
Boyfriend borrows money

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I have a friend and she is having problem with her boyfriend borrowing money from her. It has been a week already and her bf still has not paid her. Her parents are already doubting her bf and they said that trust must be the foundation of all things. My friend defends him by saying that maybe he has forgotten about it. She will wait and she believes that he will pay her. Now, she is quite pressured by her parents. She doesn't know if she should remind him of the money or not. How can the trust of her parents to her bf return? I am not sure on how to advise her. Guys, need your help on this. Thanks!




  1. That boyfriend is bad news once people cant fulfill promises then friendships are on the cutting edge.Once it turns into a habitual habit then your girlfriend is in a lot of trouble. Tell her to steer clear of this leech if you can,as he will eventually drain her emotionally,financially and romantically  

  2. There is no way the guy forgot about borrowing the money.  The thing is, why did he borrow it, and did he give a time frame for repayment.  Since parents are involved, I'll assume this is a kid.  I worry that he wanted money for drugs, made promises he couldn't keep in order to get the drugs.

    If it was more simple, such as lunch money, maybe he is simply poor.  There is no shame in being poor, however there is shame in not keeping your word.

    Either way, this shows a lack of character, and well, this lesson was learned by your friend with a monetary cost.

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