
Boyfriend bragging about gaming and never me.?

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So my boyfriend is always bragging to his friends and mine about his gaming scores....he doesn't hardly ever brag to anyone about me, just games. Naturally, I'm feeling a little left out, and feeling like he picks his gaming over me. (I'm not a gamer, I've tried many times to become one, and it's never worked).

Is there a problem here? Should I not be feeling left out? Or should he change?




  1. He should change more. He needs to get a life o.0

  2. That is a problem, and you have a right to feel left out. He should DEFINATLY change. h**l, I would give up gaming for a loving girlfriend if she asked.

    Talk to him about it. If he doesnt change, move on from him. He doesn't deserve you.

  3. just curious, how old is he !!!

  4. theres nothing to be feel left out about,the gaming is his're just in need of attention and a lil jealous at that

  5. sounds like his games are more important than you are to him............Perhaps age is a matter of importance,  maybe he is not mature enough to handle being in a relationship,  figure out what is important to you and then re-evaluate your relationship and what is important to you.

  6. Well I wouldn't actually be bragging about a girlfriend cause it would make the guy conceited so don't be depressed or anything he probably just doesn't want to seem like a complete jerk.

  7. If games is all he cares about. Then leave him.

    I mean I like video games. But it would never come before my girl.

  8. Thats kind of sad.  He should brag about his car, or his health (if he's built), but not his game scores!

  9. tell him infront of his friends that he sucks in bed and thats why he's addicted to video games.

    you would totally pwn

    (gaming humor) ithink? lol im not a gamer either

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