
Boyfriend covering up for kid????

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I think my boyfriend may be covering up for his 4 yr. old not listening. My dog got out and ran off, i think it was because his 4 year old wont listen when she is told to leave the door closed and she has been told over over and over again. I wasnt home when the dog got out but the story he told about HOW she got out doesnt completely make sence. What would you do if you found out he was covering for his kid and made up a lie???




  1. its just a father coverin up for his child...yeesh

  2. It's really up to the adult to make sure the dog doesn't get out, the kid is only 4.  

    And, if you've had to tell her over and over again about leaving the door closed, would it not have been a good idea to put a lock on the door where she couldn't reach it?

  3. What is your relationship with the child like? Sounds like there might be a teeny bit of resentment that he has a child with someone else.

    The child will always be part of his life, and yours for as long as you are with him, you have to make peace with that and accept her.

    Would you want a relationship with a man who didnt put his child first in his life?  I dont think the dog is the real issue here, just my opinion.

    Your editted comment shows the issue is the child, not the dog.  I dont see the logic in how letting a dog out, and you are just assuming she did and want to blame it on her leads to smoking pot.  Thats quite a leap.  

    I am concerned about the child actually - a 4 year old doesnt need and shouldnt receive the message you seem to be sending her. I hope this isnt going on in her presence.

    He may not be your BF for very long, because I can almost guarantee he wont pick you over his child,

    You wont understand the child/parent relationship until you have children of your own -

    IF you had a child would you put your BF's ahead of her?

    Edit: You have asked a LOT of questions, all finding fault with these children - including one about a 10 year old having an old "pregnancy test" in her room (?) A 4 year old smoking pot because she leave the door open? And why do these kids follow you everywhere and want to help do dishes etc?  And you coming home drunk and  your BF raping you?

    I believe there are a few questions about being drunk ... I am even more concerned about the children and how they are being treated in your home ...

    You really need to rethink a few things in your life - I dont want to sound mean and nasty but there are some stranger things going on with you, your life and your attitude.  Counseling might be something you should pursue ..

  4. If it was me I'd think I was obviously being to hard on her if he feels the need to protect her. She's 4!

    Forgetting to close a door at 4 and smoking pot at 16 are slightly different things.

  5. His loyalty is to his child.  Maybe you get too upset.  The child is only 4.  Give her a break.

  6. Lying is always wrong.

    He could have told you the truth, but told you he would deal with her himself, and ask you not to try to do anything to her. He should have made her admit her mistake and apologize.

    Lying, covering up, bad parenting.....hmmm. Not a great combo. Even if it's not her fault, you doubt him and sounds like you have a little resentment towards the's your sign.

  7. first i would sit down and actually find out if he was telling the truth or lying. if he was indeed lying then i would say that i dont think that its fair that you lie to me. but you would also have to understand the this is a child we're talking about. but all in all i would find out why he lied and what could be done about it in the future.

  8. The child is four years old!  Kids that age make mistakes, even if they have been told over and over.  Your boyfriend is right to protect his daughter.  Maybe you're the one who should be shown the door.

  9. I guess you can't blame him for covering for his kid BUT that doesn't mean he should outright lie to you.

    He should have told you the truth, that Little Susie left the door open again and the dog got out.

    What is a kid doing opening a door to the outside over and over again anyway? Isn't her dad afraid that she could get out and not the dog?

    At 4 years old, kids aren't very receptive and don't remember things like adults do (drives me insane too, trust me). You'll just have to keep telling her...and telling her...and telling her...

    OR, you could be proactive and start locking the door. If she can reach the lock, install another deadbolt or chain lock out of her reach.

    Problem you just have to work on your boyfriend lying to you.

  10. If he is covering for his sounds like they may be afraid of what you will say and/or do.  Maybe you would go crazy on the 4 year old.  Aparently, if he is covering for his little girl then they think you might be nuts!

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