
Boyfriend desires?? need advice :(?

by  |  earlier

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okay, i've been watching a lot about g*y relationships and stuff, and i realized how much I wanted a boyfriend...But first of all, i'm still closeted, and i'm sure no oepn g*y would want to date a guy whose closeted. And second of all, as far as I'm concerned, nobody i know even is SLIGHTLY g*y. it's probably best for me to wait until i go to college for this stuff, but it's really bugging me. and i kind of would like to try it out and see how it would work. Any advice for me?




  1. i am the sameperson you are..haha i wanna wait till college also...but i wanna go to a college far away where no one knows me and i can be myself and find that guy...hahah

  2. we are on the exact same boat...

    I am exactly like you and in the same situation, but I've decided to just wait until college....

    you can email me if you want to talk about this or something :)

  3. first decide why you way you want a boyfriend.

    then find out why you think no g*y guy would go out with someone who isn't out himself.

    then find out what and why it's really bugging you (that you don't have a boyfriend? that no one you know is g*y? that you want a boyfriend more than you want to wait to out yourself?)

    just have a great time until the end of the year and then decide. it's random advice.

  4. Well, don't assume that you don't know any slightly g*y people...I'm a closeted g*y living in a small town.  I couple of my closest friends know about me, but the rest of the people that know me...They don't even have a clue.  I'm definately not steriotypical!  I've told people that i was g*y at work and they thought i was joking and the conversation was over.  So basically what i'm saying....Keep your head up bud!  You never know who might be secretly g*y and totally into you!  If you lived in my town it might be me!!! But neither one of us would ever know that we had a crush on eachother because we're not out of the closet!!!  LOL!

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