
Boyfriend flirting with another girl infront of me!!!??

by  |  earlier

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Little intro: My boyfriend,me and this girl are 15 years old. We are in a partial program at school.

Well here is the problem: This girl (Erica) and my boyfriend (dave) sit right next to each other. MY boyfriend flirts with her constantly (laughs,touches her shoulder,etc..) and when i come over to talk to him he will tell me to wait and still continue to talk to her. She smiles at him. All the boys in the class like her (which is five boys). I confronted Erica about it she said "he is just a friend, You are taking our friendship the wrong way. Chill out. I like Danny (who is also in the class) I dont like your boyfriend like that at all." and she rolls her eyes and walks away. I do admit i am jealous because she is really pretty. I talked to my boyfriend about this also and he just laughed and didn't really say anything about it and when i asked him if he liked her he just changed th subject. He also gives her compliments all the time and jokes around like "dam look at that a*s" and "woah! sexyyy!" and i get mad and feel like im going to break down and cry (all the guys in the class give her these kinds of compliments and act like they are joking). We are in 10th grade. Also he hugs her in the morning and he only hugs me and talks to me when she is out of the room. All the guys in the class hug her when she comes in though.Am i overreacting? what should i do?




  1. He probably likes the girl he is flirting with. I would dump his *** and find a new boyfriend and one that will only have eyes for me. I know what you mean my last boyfriend cheated on me and wanted another chance. Guys like that are not worth it.  

  2. confront him, show him your feelings, and walk off... speak again later and say that it makes you unhappy and that he must do something...

    if he doesnt, you are probably better off without him

  3. Tell him to stop being such an *ss and quit taking you for granted

  4. I've seen things like this happen before.

    It seems like he has a small crush on her.

    But he wants you to be the girlfriend,

    and if anything happens (you two breaking up)

    he could possibly run to her. Im thinking

    that she might be a backup plan for him.

    I think that you should dump him and move on...

    there will be lots of other guys for you,

    even if you dont think that there will be.

  5. Tell him how you feel and that you dont like him flirting infrount of you and you dont like it. & if he says well i what to then he isnt go enough 4 you and dumb him  

  6. You're not overreacting. Your boyfriend DOES like you (that's why he's with you) BUT he might like this other girl...a little more. You confronted him about it (which is good) and they both deny or skim over that they like each other. We can all see what's going on here. He's young, he's gonna flirt, he's gonna live. You're young too. I wouldn't suggest breaking up with him just yet, I would just talk to other guys for the time being. This way...if he does break up with have someone to go out with.

  7. Erica seems like a s**t and your bf is a disrespectful a*****e s***w both of them

  8. Just tell him how you feel because he shouldn't be doing that to you.

  9. Megan,

    It is time for you to learn a hard, but very important lesson in life:  You know, deep down, what is right for your and what makes you feel good.  You need to learn to pay attention to that little voice and follow it.

    This guy makes you feel like second best and he does not seem to either understand or care that he does.  He clearly has the hots for her, and he is dissing you repeatedly.  

    Time to take a stand and do what is right for Megan.  Do it with this guy, and you will never have to worry that you are going to let a guy treat you like anything other than the wonderful young woman you are.

    Break up with this guy.  Don't try to make him understand why.  Just walk away and know you are doing the right thing.  don't get into drama or explainations or let him say he is sorry or anything.  This relationship is not going to work out.


  10. he obviously likes her....break up with him hes being an a*****e and then start looking real cute in school and flirt with all the boys in that class...itll teach him a lesson

  11. no ur not overreating any gurl would feel da same way in ur situation first u should cofront him again but this time tell him how u feel no one should treat anyone that way n if he is doing such things he is disrespecting u either solve it or he realy isn't worth it  

  12. It sounds like he has a little crush on her. She told you that she wasn't interested in him and I think you should believe her.

    I would dump the guy - this way he can watch this girl shoot him down; then he'll be all alone and regret every taking you for granted.  

  13. i would break up with him

  14. This is a big sign..  you see it?  I bet you feel it!

    It does not feel good. Why put up with it..cut him lose.

    find some one that's not in that class. or go without a boyfriend until

    the right one comes along.


  15. WAtch your back. If she is really really pretty then its not her fault. Its the guys fault for flirting with someone when they already have a gf. She sounded like she meant it in a way that she and him were just being friends. but your bf sounds for real. wait and watch what happens and if he really seems to be continue for a purpose you should dump him. but you have to decide if hes just being a joker or a flirter.

  16. I know how you feel :( everyone would come up to me saying stuff about him doing this and what im going to do about it... i had no idea what to do all i wanted to do is run away and cry... it got to the point where he would sometimes completely ignore me if there were other girls around... the only way forward was breaking up... but maybe his crush will pass but if it doesn't he doesn't deserve you

  17. if he's flirting with someone right in front of you, then how the h**l is he still your bf ?!?!?!?!

  18. He's being out of order (in my opinion)... you need to step back, and try to see things as if you are a completely other person looking in on your relationship. If you believe that he is flirting with her too much, i think you should stay away for a bit, blank him, let him realize his mistake.

    Make him think he's losing you.. if he comes back and is sorry, you'll know he truly feels for you. If he walks away and tries to get the attention of this other girl, he's not worth it!

    I don't think this other girl likes your boyfriend, so in the end he's going to just get bored with her and come back to you. All I'm gonna say is, don't be too easy.. don't be needy.. ;) Good Luck

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