
Boyfriend going to the army. please help me deal.

by  |  earlier

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me and this guy have been friends all summer long. and i knew he was getting sworn into the army tomorrow all summer but i just clicked and we started dating and he's such a great guy. but he leaves for boot camp anytime now and it's killing me b/c i won't see him hardly at all now. and im not going to lie before me he really "got around" so i'm worried about all the girls he's going to try to get with at bootcamp and at the army. he said he won't be back for 3 months. then he gets a month leave then he goes back. we're going to put our relationship on hold because of all this stress. (he just turned 18 btw and im almost 16) and we're not having s*x but i don't want to let him go. I understand he has to go and all. it's just hard for me already i don't want to let him know how attached i am but i truly am. any advice on helping me?? also can he write me letters while he's in bootcamp??





  1. heyy there

    well i know it kinda sucks

    but its not gonna work.

    i understand you like him and everything

    but u have to let go.

    ull be fine.

    or maybe you can work something out.

    one thing?

    live ur dam life while  hes at bootcamp.

    and that whole" relationship on hold"

    honey.. it doesnt work.

    you'll be rite back where u started and you wont even notice it.

    i say you just let things flow.

    you never know.

    maybe there someone out there for you  way better than him :)

  2. I think your special man will be special to a few ladies, not just you. I would stay with  him, BUT keep a close eye on him. He will step out of line and if you are not ready, you will be crushed.  

  3. Just tell him how you feel, and as far as the letters go,he should be able to write you

  4. ok he is not meeting girls in bootcamp so you can put that stress out of your mind. also i think they only get about two weeks leave after training at the most usually before they go on to their duty station. Yea he will be able to write you letters maybe call sometimes. Other than that - your going to have to learn to deal with it if your going to be with a army guy - cause after training whats going to happen - he is going to be shipped off to some base who knows where, so you still wont really be able to get to see him when you want to. consider this a test, if ya need to talk email me

  5. if i were you i would get anouther boyfriend and just have him as a friend. because if you can't see him then whats the sence of having him as a boy friend. just get anouther 1 and keep him as a friend.

  6. time goes fast keep in touch pray for him and you will see him before you know...let him know that you love him in your writings but remember Jesus loves you more  

  7. I got a good idea, choose a guy thats not an adult when u aren't even 16 yet because, unless he is really into you himself, i find it hard for him not to hook up with any other girls. Seriously, u aren't even 16 yet.  

  8. You're just gonna have to buck up and live with it.  I don't mean to be harsh, but that's the way it is for thousands of military families all across the nation.  If it's any comfort, he probably won't have time to meet too many girls during boot camp - he will be under tremendous stress and have so much work to do, there just won't be much free time. I think he may be able to write a letter or two, but don't expect them every day, like I said, he'll probably have VERY little free time.  Good luck, and don't worry about him.  Just take care of yourself while he's gone, and when he comes back, you two can get reacquainted.

  9. ahahaha at the Jody comment. thats classic.

    Break up with him before bootcamp, your young, youll find another great guy. Dont let this one steal your entire high school from you.

    Go date Jody.

  10. have you seen the women in the army they are manly the chance of him cheating is low he wont have time but if he does it will be with a dirty hooker but as far as cheating on a love factor, i dont think so sweetie  

  11. Sure, he can write you letters from bootcamp.

    Hopefully bootcamp will help him mature a little, it sounds like he needs it.  

    He's not going to meet anyone at boot camp!  He's not going to have enough energy to look!  Or the opportunity!

    But listen, if he's that untrustworthy, honey, don't bother.  Go find someone that you can trust if he's shown you that you can't trust him.

    Although sometimes bootcamp changes guys for the BETTER, so maybe that will help him mature a litle in the fidelity department.  

    But don't count on it.

  12. 1) Chicka, 16 is WAY to young to be getting serious. I'm getting told I shouldn't have married at 20. And remember, he's an adult and you are still a minor- don't get him in trouble like that. If you do take your relationship to the next leavel, Stachatory Rape is not going to look good on his record, and could even ruin his life, even if you consent to it.

    2) You realize that he might to to an all guy basic? What's his MOS? He might go to Sill, Benning or Knox for basic, and there are no females in them. If he goes to Jackson or Leavenworth, the Drills do NOT allow any sort of fraternization between the guys and girls. No way, no how. Do some still get away with it? Yah, but you have people that get away with murder too.  

  13. i am not sure how he can write at first i am not too sure but they can make calls at certain times if they are good but i think first 6 weeks is very quiet. but you can tell him to write you and stuff and write to him and stuff e can get mail and things. who knows he maybe serious about you and want to come back and when you grow up abit (age wise) marry you and if you are still carrying for each orther it could happen. you know its not the end of the wrold just keep in touch with him every chance you get and write write write and he'll be around and no pe there hisnt' girls there. you are wrong its all guys and they are doing stuff sun up to sun down and learning schooling and working ahrd so dont' worry hes amking a career and mabye you will be invovle din it.

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