
Boyfriend has possesive dog?

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My boyfriend has a very possesive 1 year old dog. We've been dating for 7 months now and she's always having problems with me touching him and cuddling with him. She she will start growling and biting me. She's fine with me as long as I'm not touching my boyfriend. I can never lay with my boyfriend without her being RIGHT on him either. He lives with his brother and she isn't like that with him, just my boyfriend. What should we do?




  1. Your bf needs to put her in her place. It is his job to make her stop.

    Your boyfriend needs to kick her off of him when you are trying to cuddle with him.

    I bet he finds this amusing doesn't he. His 2 girls fighting over him.

    Does he do anything to her when she is like this to you?


    I would do it, bet when you aren't giving him any he will think about doing something with her then!

    Use your womanhood to your advantage!

  2. You should both let her know that you love her and he has enough love for the both of you  

  3. he needs to show her that he loves both of you.. try laying down with him and putting her on the other side of him and let him pet her while he is holding your hand or hugging you.. also bribe her.. every time you see her give her treats... and try to show her that you like are and want to include her also.. she thinks you are trying to take her spot.. just show her that there is room for both of you in his life.. i know it sounds wierd but dogs are just like people..  

  4. his dog's probably jealous of you; try bonding with the dog or better yet so them that you're in charge. you're boyfriend is probably not going to like what I'm going to say but I think that the next time she jumps up and starts growling at you push her off you know stand up if you're on the couch wacthing a movie and then hug him while standing soon enough she'll realize that you're the boss and leave you alone.    

  5. His dog is the boss of the house, not himself, and definetely not you.

    I recommend you first, consider seeking out a behaviorist, as there's usually more to these situations than meets the eye.  Secondly, I recommend YOU taking this approach with the dog.  Your boyfriend too, but I think you should spearhead this training, to build an alpha relationship with youself and his dog.

    A great method is NILIF (Nothing In Life Is Free).  Give it a google.  But in a nutshell the idea is: Ask your dog to do any variety of tricks before getting anything atall from you, being it food, attention, jumping on furniture, going outside, coming in side, jumping in a car, getting it's leash on, going for a walk, coming in from a walk or any variety of things. It's a non confrontational way to force the dog to acknowledge your leadership, since if he doesn't obey, he doesn't get food/pets/play/mobility etc.

    If your dog is in the hallway, ask him to move so you can proceed.  It's your house, he needs to learn to "yield" to you.  It shouldn't be mean or bossy, you ask him to move, and he gets praised for moving.

    Do'nt allow rough play. Channel energy in walks, or other play activities, like fetch (fetch is the best idea ever). Don't allow the dog to jump on you, ever, or hump your leg, or the legs of your guests. Never allow the dog to grown possessively (or otherwise) over toys, food or other things. You should always be able to remove your dogs food dish without fear.

    Additionally good leash manners will really help your Alpha relationship with your dog. Don't allow the dog to direct the walk by pulling. It's your walk, don't let him drag you, ever.  When you say it's time to move on in the walk, he must follow you.

    Lots of other things, that's a start though.


  6. Consult a qualified Dog Behaviourist.

  7. She is very protective over her owner. I would tell her "No" when she tries to bite or growl. I have a dog that is still kind like that we had to train him and let him know it was wrong. It was hard for me to hug my own son w/o him getting touchy about it. After time it will or should get better. Don't be impatient though it is how some dogs are.  

  8. Try to get to know the dog better. If you help care for her and you spend time with her she might not feel the need to protect your boyfriend because she'll trust you.

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