
Boyfriend help , am i boring ?

by Guest66663  |  earlier

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When i talk to my boyfriend we end up having a dead convo. what do i talk about with him?




  1. Hmm, could be you or him, or incompatibility. It may also be that one or both of you is uncomfortable or with the other for the wrong reasons. You should talk to him about that, just say - hey, it seems like we don't talk a lot.. am I boring you? And what he says could lead to a conversation.  

  2. **Talk about anything that springs to mind, talk about something you both have a common interest in.  I like talk about the past and ask them if they remembered when ___ (fill in the blank, things like our first kiss etc).**

  3. its cuz you have nothing in common... break up and find someone with things in common with you

  4. maybe its him that's boring, not you !

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