
Boyfriend .. help best answer 10 points!?

by  |  earlier

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heyy guys! lol im 14 and im a real natural flirt ... the thing is heaps of guys like me and i have a bf .. i no like 3 girls who likes him.. but the fact is he now dat im going owt with him .. it just doesnt fell right ... okay... btw im a tomboy and i dont get into boys easily the only reason i have a boyfriend is because my friends has it and i dont wanna feel like a loner lol ive had like over 7 bf's anyway.. my bf is sorta .. nervous to make owt or stuff like dat wat shud i do to make him think its all guna be fine lol




  1. idk his just a lil kid  

  2. :|

    you sound up youself

  3. well if you dont like him and your dating him just to be in with your friends, you shouldnt be dating him

  4. Sounds to me like your only dating him to look cool to your friends and feel left out and thats stupid!. Id say dump him and not date untill you really want that. be more of a leader not a follower.

  5. Quit acting like a boy. ahahaha. kidding..

    Dress s**y for him, he'll pick it up.

    Wait 14??..

  6. This is natural... boys are stupid at this age lol

    Just dump him if it doesnt feeel right- cause when he gets more attached it will be much harder. And trust me your friends will be jealous  thatthe boys like you.

    Or just try to take your time with him.

  7. Clearly you need to forget about boys and spend more time on school. Your grammar is atrocious.

  8. Stop being such a follower.

    Leading your bf on when you don't even wanna be with him? Real grand of you.

    Tell you what, keep doing that to dudes and then see how many of those "heaps of guys" are still after you.

  9. ok firstly:


    secondly: getting a boyfriend just because your friends have boyfriends is really unfair to the guy, if you don't like him don't go out with him.

    stringing him along is just cruel.

  10. Wow. Do you actually like him?? That's the question. If you're going out with him just because your friends have one then that's not a real relationship and you don't really like him. You're just using him. I think you should just break up with him. Don't give into peer pressure. Just cause your friends have boyfriends doesn't mean you should go get one. So if everyone jumps off a bridge, you would do it too?

    Besides, at age 14 is a little too young to make out.

    And to answer your question, just tell him it's alright. Talk to him

  11. not to sound like your mom or anything, but why are you with someone you're not into?  seriously hun, don't be with a guy you dont like.  because girls like that have a bad reputation of being easy to get with, and S****y.  be friends with guys now, and let them see the real you.  so later on in high school, you wont have a long list of exs, and you can be the "cool" girl who fits in with the guys.  

  12. let him get use to it...thats pretty much all you can do.

  13. if ur only goin out with him cuz ur friends have boyfriends, then whats the point? u should be datin him cuz u love him, not cuz ur friends have boyfriends. that wouldnt make u a loner, that would be savin urself from broken hearted. not sayin hed break ur heart but in case that would ever happen.

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