
Boyfriend help?

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I have a question, I really need help on this because I am not too sure what to think,

my Fiance was talking to this girl on the comp and I thought he was up to something, So I did something that I know was not right of me but I looked into his saved convo's on this comp and I was reading what he had wrote to her

It said " I don't see my self spending the rest of my life with someone" he said that our relationship has been a real long time ( it's only 3 months) and then they were talking aboot cars and he said " I feel more of a connection with you then I do my own girlfriend" I had to confrount him aboot this and that night we had spent the night apart, First night in 2 month's, His only thing he came up with was " I had a gut feeling" and " we were apart that night" Now before me the longest relationship he has only lasted 2 months, I don't know what to think and I truly do love hoim and he says he loves me with all his heart, Please give me some input, Thanks




  1. i advice you to leave him before its too late

    the deeper you sink the harder to get out

  2. be happy you found this out before you married him, what were you thinking of marrying him anyways after 3 months, it takes atleast 5 yrs to know someone its a learning experience you cant learn some one in the 1st year! it takes your  whole life to get to know your family. You need to just walk away from this as a lesson learned believe me! Honestly, I don't think he does love you if hes telling another girl that they make a better match so he just did you a favor and let you know exactly how he really is if i were you I would put him in a box and close it!!!!

  3. Red flags all over the place, dear.  He doesn't see himself spending his life with someone?  He feels more of a connection to some girl on the computer?

    Be glad that it's only been 3 months and you haven't wasted anymore time on this loser.  Realize you deserve better than someone who says one thing to your face and another behind your back.  Cut your losses and find a guy who can be straight with you.

  4. How old are you. You have only been with him for three months. Do not marry this man if you 1. do not trust him enough to not read his messages 2. you did read it so now you know his true feelings 3. I think you should be with a person for one year at least to truly know them

    You do not need to break up with him just do not be thinking about marriage now. what is the hurry really? You have a long time and marriage is not to be taken lightly so why not take it slow and make sure.

  5. whoa. you seriously need to talk to him. it's ok that you looked through his computer. when someonen gives you reason enough and they're not going to fess up, you should take matters into your own hands. it's how i found out my ex cheated on me.
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