
Boyfriend is moving away. help?

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hey everyone,

this monday (sep 1) my boyfriend is moving to San Diego to start school, and i am here in Los Angeles going to school. We met last year in community college and hit it off as soon as we met. We are in a great relationship and dating for almost 9 months. I am really concerned because I want to stay with him but I am not sure about the distance and both of us being in college, and I have never had a long distance relationship before. We haven't talked about it yet but we probably will tommorow or monday. Any advice?

Thank you :)




  1. nothing u can Do unless u 2 Decide to be Roomates Or what the other guy Said Share ur Thoughts Other then that Im sorry but i Dont think u can Do anything D:

  2. LA and San Diego is not too far.. that is a managable distance and during the weekends.. seeing is easy.  it may seem a ways, but there are longer.  just keep in mind that you two love eachother and you both make an effort to see eachother, whether it be you go all way, or he does, or meet somewhere in the middle, like temecula, or something.  

    just keep believing what they say. make an effort. and dont give up.  set plans in stone of when you two will meetup

  3. Girl look let him go you say he loves you if he did he'll come back for you and plus both of you guys need a education  

  4. Have a great conversation about how the both of you would like to make this work. It is kinda like, plan your work, work your plan. And be aware that it doesn't always go the way you thought.

  5. Not really sorry :(

  6. I can only imagine what I do know is that this experience will not be easy especially since you guys like each other so much.  This experience will make you guys enjoy each others company even more and will make you feel so grateful.  LA to SD is not a far drive either.  This experience will make you a stronger soul trust me.  And we need more strong souls around here.  

  7. Not to be horrible but deal with it... you can't be attached to the hip forever!

  8. Share you thoughts with HIM not with US.

  9. thats not that far trust me you both have to commit to the relationship and traveling back and forth see eachother though  best of luck to both of you hope this helps

  10. it's not too far, you can still see each other pretty often if you want, if you really love him, you should give it a try, at least.

    my boyfriend moved to San Diego and i was in Ohio... now that's far. We made it thru it and now i live in San Diego also

  11. Don't you think you should have talked about this a long time ago? I mean... your boyfriend couldn't  have decided to go to college to San Diego just the other day right?

  12. its ok! set up a im thing like this

    Make up a time when you guys should chat! like 2:00?

    and visit each other each holiday!

  13. it doesn't matter how far apart as long as the heart is there.

  14. If u have the source move with him and if not u still can have a relationship by webcam with programs like skype or msn

  15. if i can make it  500 miles away from my bf and we still good and solid as h**l then u can make it. ya aint that far...  

  16. yeah tell me about it my boyfriend of 3 years just went to college today even though I'll see him most weekends. You know we care about each other so much we didn't even bring that up. We knew just no matter what we would do what we could to continue our relationship. I don't know how far away that would be distance wise from each other, but if you care about him enough then go forward with it and it CAN work. If it's just not worth it to you, and you think it would be better if you two were apart then let him know. Only you know how you feel and what you want.

  17. I understand that you really love him, but if he has to move away, id suggest still being close friends. you can still keep in touch by calling and e-mailing. But, that's just my opinion. good luck  

  18. Just go with the flow - it might work out, it might not... you can't look into the future but you can try your best to make it work. I recently had to say goodbye to the guy I thought I was my boyfriend and was absolutely gutted about it. He and I seem to be just friends now but at least we're still in touch. best of luck.

  19. Odds are that you'll break up.  You're young and there's always the battle between Mr. Right and Mr. Right Here.  Mr. Right Here inevitably wins.  (So does Ms.)

    Agree to be friends, agree to date/visit, but don't agree to exclusivity.

  20. Try the long distance relationship for a while. If you start to feel like maybe it won't work out, you can always end it or re-talk it through. You don't have to rush in-or out of anything right now. Good Luck :)

  21. Make sure you talk about all the details of him moving so far away and just make the descion thats best for "you" if you think that you cant trust him being so far away then i would let him go but if your trust is "strong" that shouldnt be a problem.

  22. I've had experiences with trying long-distance relationships in college. No matter what you think, I believe all people change in college so if you are too far away to see him often, it won't work unless in rare occasions.  

  23. I have had perhaps 6 or 8 great relationships over 25 years and for each and every one of them, every time I stayed away for more than a month they always got a different flavor you know what.

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