
Boyfriend living at home, help?

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Okay this is a little long but please bare with me as I'm a very frustrated girlfriend. My boyfriend (Sophomore in college) and I (Freshman in college) have been dating for two years. This year, he decided to live at home instead of on campus. His mother was thrilled beyond belief because now she gets him home unlike last year when he lived in dorms. She babies him constantly, buys him everything he wants, and pouts (slams things/gets mad) if he doesn't eat dinner with her.

Also, I really feel like she doesn't like me either. She did, though, come home with a small gift for me yesterday. But still. She barely talks to me, and I feel weird talking to her. Is this too much? Am I overreacting? Please help me.




  1. i think maybe she just missed him a lot and now she has her baby boy back home. if you are really worrie about it talk to your boyfrined and or his mother. figure out wat is going on. she might be afraid that you will be taking him away from her again. asking is the only sure way to figure out what is going on. best of luck to you.

  2. he loves you both, don't make him choose. you'll lose

  3. OMG i went thorough this same thing, if you ever feel like she is making faces behind your back or talking bad about you, then its time to have a talk with your boyfriend. i dated this one guy for 2.5 years and his mom basically ended it. Mothers go through this weird phase where they want to be the only women in their lil boy's life, unfortunately you are at the age where the mother is probably going through menopause and you just might not win. keep your chin up and fight until you cant any more

  4. Your boyfriend is right.  This is between you and his Mom.  You say you're uncomfortable talking to her.  Is it possible she's uncomfortable talking to you?  Maybe if you invite her out to lunch, just the two of you so you can get to know each other a little better, you'll be able to bring down the wall a little bit.  

    Is it also possible you're a little jealous of the fact that now your boyfriend is living at home, you don't get to spend as much time with him as you would like?  You've been dating for two years.  That's a long time to be dating someone and not feel comfortable with his family.  I could be wrong since I don't know any of you but I believe if you take the initiative and show his Mom that you'd like to get to know her better, she may respond in kind.  If the two of you ever decide to get married, you'll be glad you made the effort.

  5. easy relax be your self respect her show her that ur great for her son and dnt try to hard talk with her dnt be scared

  6. sounds like you are gonna have a chance to get to know her better!!

  7. I think you’re making a mountain out of a molehill.  So what if she 'babies' him and buys him stuff (that just means he has more money to spend for dates).  Even if she pouts--that's *her* problem.  And as far as her treatment of you--'barely talking to you' does not equate to ‘mistreatment’.

    If you see your relationship with Boyfriend as going the distance, I'd suggest you learn to tolerate this woman.  

    Trust me, it could be much worse.  There are plenty of women with HORRID in-laws (although in your case she's not actually an in-law) who would love to trade with you.

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