
Boyfriend needs to go on diet?

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my boyfriend needs to go on diet his weight scaring me like for heath isueses hes so lazy and tired all the time but i dont want to be mean and tell him




  1. It's really not for you to decide whether he needs to diet or lose weight.  The only person who can make that call is him.

    The reason being that when people are pushed into a diet they always fail.  He has to decide to do it.  Something has to motivate him enough to stick with it.

    I can almost guarantee that if you start pushing him, he will resist it and it will be that much harder to do something about it.

    Understand this.  If he is overweight he already knows he is.  He also already knows about the health risks.  If you start bringing his weight up he's going to take a knock to his self-esteem.  People with low self-esteem are much less likely to diet or exercise.

    I know that you only want to help him and that you are worried about him.  

  2. I would tell him Rose, and tell him exactly how concerned you are, its not being mean, its called caring.

    Im sure you will be a very supportive partner, if he refuses to understand or is in denial, there is not alot you can do about it.  

  3. a way that would get him more active would to be like hey lets go for a walk or something like that, if you want him to go on a diet you have to do it too, you can't just be like well you need to go on a diet while you sit on the couch and eat junk food, so encourage and motivate him instead of saying you need to go on a diet.

  4. Start cooking delicious real foods for him (instead of fried chicken burgers and fries.) Get the recipes here: in the Leap Over Web Clutter section. They have several sections on diet and diet recipes.

  5. I agree with taking him on a walk.  He'll go with you just because your his girlfriend and guys know they need to do whatever their little lady wants.  If you're cooking for him, he will prob eat healthier, but that doesn't mean he won't stop in at McDonald's too.  Best bet is to just tell him how you feel.  While he might be taken aback a little, it'll give you some time to get him into working out.  Let it be known though that it will be difficult if you are the one having to force him to work out, you have to get him to do it on his own.

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