
Boyfriend out of nowhere said he doesn't love me or care for me anymore..?

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I am devastated..i have been dating a vietnamese guy for a year now, and he wanted me to move in with him after a few months. so i was living with him he gave me gifts and said he loved me everyday, and showed affection and everything, we were like a perfect couple. He has a baby daughter from a previous relationship and i accepted that and helped take care of her, i changed my work schedule so i could help. I changed for him when he wanted me to dress different and etc ect.. We were fine, just occasional arguments like all relationships have..anyway last saturday he went out with his best friend (his friend is married and still goes out every weekend with the boys). and my b/f didn't come home all night..i tried calling at night but no answer..then at 8 in the morning right before the time he was supposed to pick up his daughter i called his friend, and i asked if he was with him..his friend said "uhh he might be let me check the spare bedroom and i'll call you back" so he never called back. my b/f called me 1 hour later and said he's picking up his car downtown he got too drunk to drive home that night. then he comes home and gets ready and gets his daughter, then comes back to the house i'm there and hes all quiet and out of nowhere got mad because i forgot to pay a bill recently in which i offered to give the money right then and there. but he said no..and said he doesn't love me anymore and i need to get my things and get out... after i've been there for him each day for him and his daughter...he yelled i dont care for you anymore and he doesnt love me anymore...i asked why did you say you loved me everyday and the night before; he said it was all an act. we did things in bed almost every night that was no problem.but still he said he doesnt love me when he played mind games with me saying he loves me everyday...and i really do love him in heart....he said he wanted a kid with me some day..but now he did complete 360...what does this mean? why would someone be like this out of nowhere we were a couple and he showed affection only to be a lie all along? and i bought all the bull...what do you guys see from this i am so confused.....? in the past he even said he never cheats ever, and his friends say so too. and he told me he was a loving caring person could he turn his love off like a switch? can someone give me some insight on this? i love..him so much and have been very depressed latly from this and i got attached to his daughter..he let me use his SUV to get to work and back for while..but he hasnt called me or anything in a week. my friend lisa told me today he was out in the club last night with his friends and she ignored him..i cant even got out or anything he messed with my head so much. sorry for such a long story but i wanted to make sure you all can understand my situation better..its like everything i did for him was not enough..his family even liked me..

i know last week when he calmed down and i was upset and called him he said i need to not call him, and he has a problom..but i still have his car and house key even though all my things are out of his house. i mean he has a kid with someone hes not with. hes 29 years old just torn i dont know what to think if anyone can help me make sense of this i'd apreciate it greatly...thank you




  1. It sounds as though something has suddenly happened to him, and you may never know what it is. If he is reluctant to even speak to you and demands a stop to all communication, it might be best to get away. That will be hard, I know, but you need to accept he is not someone you need in your life. You deserve to feel confident in you relationship and he has failed you.

    I would place the keys in an envelope and mail them to him.

    All my best.

  2. he must be really confused, something must happened that night ... is sad to understand but when guys start acting like that.... is because he is not the right person for u or there is someone trying to keep him away from u... let him, don't call him no more, don't text him, nothing! if he is for u, he will come back, if he is not going along with you, then put your better shoes and run, let him go... if he is for u, by himself he will come back, do not pressure him, dont try to fix things, u didn't do anything bad, and don't feel bad... keep ur mind positive, and he will come back!! trust me, i did it, with my boyfriend for 2 years, and now i am engaged... believe me he may need some time, maybe is not a girl, maybe is stress, or something else... maybe he is to inmature to keep going on with someone and a girl on his life... just let him...things happen for a reason ... trust me! GOOD LUCK!

  3. sorry to say this, but it sounds like he was using you.  did he move into yours? did you give him money? you just cant trust some men. the good ones are rare but worth the wait. leave that guy find someone amazing who can treat you proper (:

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