
Boyfriend problems... NEED HELP. guys especially!!?

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Well today me & my boyfriend for about 4-5months got into a really big argument... I wasn't sure if would break up with him... but today i did something that was really strange...

SOMEHOW? i guessed his yahoo email password and it turn out to be correct..sooo.... eerrr... i mean come on... WHO wouldn't check his e-mails.

so i just did out of curiosity... and found some of his old emails with previous girls.... in them he said how he would love them forever... and that he wanted to marry them etc. Which are the same things he told me..

& i know its the past but still..words like that mean a just makes me feel no different and like not as special as i thought i was to him.

How would you guys feel in this situation/ what would you do..?

Comments or anything would help.

AND if your going to bash me for going through his e-mails.. i dont care.. maybe he should have chosen a harder password! -.-




  1. hey sweetie,

    Well i'm no professional but in my opinion, i have a couple bits of advice. First of all, you will learn more and more about relationships as you grow and experience life and come up with your own philosophies as well. You'll see what I mean later, its just one of those things you gotta learn on your own. Second, trust and confidence are an essential part of a relationship, if you don't have it your other half will see right through you and you loose a part of yourself; very unattractive because we all have to have confidence in who we are and trust the decisions we make. so if you decide to be with him, thats your perogative, but now that you didnt trust and went through his mail, i would come clean about it before you make it worse and start building things inside your head. ASSumptions are never good cuz you always make an *** out of yourself. =o) After you talk with him you'll have piece of mind. And last but not least, i understand how your feeling, those words are very strong but life is all about trial and error and the logical v.s. emotional. It takes alot of experience to figure that stuff out and until you do, we might say things without truly knowing its meaning or maybe say it meaning it, but misinterprate its message. You two are two different people, with two different minds and that means two different points of view. So just take that into considerationand hopefully it will help you understand your situation and come up with an answer. And about being special, we all are individuals and all of us have unique characteristics that makes us different from the other person and that is what defines us, not what the other person says or does. Words are simply an expression of thoughts and emotion.  

  2. ask him about it

  3. chunk the duece to that garbage and find someone else

  4. If I was in this situation I would be very hurt and confused and I would

    probably break up with him and yes it is the past but on my boyfriends

    myspace he had a comment from another chick and I got so mad that

    I didn't talk to him for a while if that doesn't help any I'm sorry!

    Well good luck!!

  5. that means ur just like them an ur next in line

  6. omg. you must be  a genious. . to guess itt. .. NOT! im guessing you kno him pretty well and that is why u guessed his pasword .. i mean u have to admitt im rght ya must have things in common.. and well i think u should  forgive him for having those messages. thats the past. and we are in the present so love n respect itt cuse just like its called its a present and  you arent always going to have itt. . so enjoy itt now that u have itt. ") hopefully thiss helps..  

  7. forget the loser. he's a player.

  8. Was his password penial implant?

  9. lol i always snoop in my husbands stuff and I think that in different relationships you discover different emotions with different people dont take it to heart hes with you now

  10. If you spend your entire life digging up peoples past mistakes you will find that the only person you damaged long term was yourself because paranoia isn't healthy and i have been there before

  11. WELL im not gonna bash you

    but its not about the password thing

    its a privacy and respect thing

    that was your mistake

    really the kid didn't do anything wrong, i mean us guys say a lot of things

    don't get me wrong, its not like you can't trust us

    its just that maybe at the time he was just saying things

    but thats some immature stuff

    i did that when i was 12  

  12. Just leave the guy....hes just going to lie and then leave you. Those people should not be doing that. GOOD LUCK! :]

  13. hah. well i would do the same thing. but uhm, just stay with him as long as possible i mean if you really like him, but just try to work things out.

  14. Guy answer:

    Straight and forward your boyfriend is probably 1 of those players who keeps to one girl but jumps to a new one every few times.

    If I think what kind of person he is I would bet he would feel busted and do some damage control. Like say centering the blame on you or charm his way out. Whatever the case once you tell him about it or he finds out he will most likely try to end things with you soon.

    Most men like him think it's best to move on with other things than linger on damaged or unstable bridges rather than stay and make it better.

    Find a person more suitable for your love if you think you know what it is to love.

  15. those are some personal words that he's throwing around there. dump him and find someone that means it.

  16. Well since u dont care about the bashing ill just skip that.

    It was wrong.

    Sadly this is the truth of most guys, we make just about any promise, to anyone.

    It could be however that thats how he felt a long time ago about someone he dosent care for like that anymore.

    Words do mean alot, u should try to look at u 2 from a diffrent perspective, does he treat u like ur special?

    Is it real, or like these old promises?

    If i was in this situation, it would probably be the there long gone and mean nothing now.

    It might, or might not be true.

    U have to decide for urself if ur ok with him liking other girls in the past, or if u think u might become one of those girls.

    Then act on it.

    I hope it helps.

  17. believe it or not, you commited a crime.  

  18. wow...  

    ok... well amybe he's a player- or maybe he means it.  did he break up with those girls or did they break up with him?  its' possible he really meant it... maybe he just has such a big heart that all he wants is someone to share it with forever.   dont give up on him yet.  good luck

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