
Boyfriend problems please help me?

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o.k i have been with my boyfriend for 2 years and 8 months and when i 1st got with him i weighted 130 and my height is 5" weight was good with my hight and now i weight maybe 150 something i mean im not like huge fat but im med....well now i have stretch marks from it and my breast are now bigger so they have little light stretch marks on the side...well i just asked my boyfriend were they attractive....i just wanted to see what he would say and he told me that they kinda were and was kinda not....i dont know what to do...i think he thinks they are gross i have little ones on my side and a lil on my stomach..please help what should i do and what is he really saying...i must not be good enough ...and he is skinny and makes me look fat to him it depresses me i hardly even eat anymore...i excerse..and im 19 years do i get him to love me sometimes i dont think he does...i have this friend she is skinny well he always acts silly around her and last night i told him to take her home and i dont know if i can trust him..but my friend is pregnant.....but he always has a smile on his face....when he is around her please help....




  1. the problem is not with the boyfriend. the problem is with you putting on weight.

    eat better, and hit the gym for cardio & weight lifting.

  2. first of all you have to be confident on your self.     if all this is not part of your imagination, you might have a little problem and you have to face it. about the weight, if you exercise, just keep pushing it, but dont lose it on this if you know what i mean. and your boyfriend.............................we... the only thing i could tell you is to be straight with him and depending on how he reacts, you might take a guess.....

  3. If you truly love a person, no matter how many stretch marks your girlfriend has - you will accept it.

    If he can't accept the fact that you changed a little physically, that's his problem. You should never let a guy make you feel less or ugly no matter what. You are not perfect and so is he.

    My boyfriend has stretch marks because he used to be huge. But I still love him. He has other imperfections that I have already accepted. I have learned to love him even if he's moody, impatient... the list can go on, but the important matter is - I still love him. That is how he is with me too.

    If you can be perfectly honest with a person - like you can tell him the skeletons in your closet - and afterwards he hugs you and tells you he still loves you. You found the love of your life. If after you told him everything bad about you and he just shrugs and likes your bestfriend better, just leave him and start your search for your Mr. Right.

    I hope you can be strong and learn that you deserve good things! Good Luck!

  4. if you love someone it doesnt matter how much they weigh i have been with my bf for 2yrs n he has put on a bit of weight n has red stretch marks n i still love him i dont feel repulsed by them or anything coz i know that he knows that he needs to get active n lose the weight n i encourage him to go to the gym etc... your bf sounds shallow.

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