
Boyfriend says no to anything animal related, what do I do?

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I am a huge animal lover. Before I moved in with him, I'd bring home strays/feral cats and get them fixed up and new homes. the first place we got, didn't allow dogs and we could only have two cats, so that's what happened.

But now we're at a place that I can have more and have enough room to do so.

He agreed on a dog, but the dog we got had distemper and we had to put him down. Fine, but now he says no more dogs. Alright whatever.

We have an extra room that I want to convert into a room to put strays in while I look for homes for them. I'm not planning on keeping any of these animals. I'm just seeing owner releases to shelters increases and all these poor animals dying for no reason. It hurts me so bad. I want to help but he's saying I have enough cats. I have the same two. Money isn't an issue. And the room is sitting there EMPTY.

Any suggestions on what to do? I want to y'know ...compromise but I don't feel I can do what makes me happy.




  1. It's clear you and your boyfriend don't share a common interest in something you are passionate about. Unfortunately, this is not something minor that can be resolved over coffee in the morning. This is a real major issue. Do you love your boyfriend more than the animals you try to help? If you can answer that question honestly then there is your answer as to what to do. I feel bad to tell you this for his sake because I am the same way as he is. I'm not a big animal lover and would surely not want all sorts of strays in my home either. Unfortunately if you don't share this passion of yours for animals mutually, then your relationship probably is not going to work out. Nobody is at fault here here it's just a difference of opinions. You love animals, he doesn't. Nobody's right or wrong. It's simply a conflict of interest. Do what's best for you and the animals, and I feel you will have a more rewarding life and in the process eventually you might meet a vet or animal right's activist or something, marry and live happily ever after. You never know. Good luck.

  2. Just tell him that you're doing it! what's he going to do leave you?

    Go for it :-)

  3. I would remind him this was a characteristic that you had when you all first met and it is important to you to feel you are doing something for helpless animals.  You feel it is your gift to take care of innocent animals so you would like to at least do this for 1/2 a year w/ the empty room ~ then you can show him how it is working out and what great things you have done in this time

    Tell him after six months you all can discuss it again but  you want to at least have six months to do what makes you happy by saving these animals

    Right now is a great time to do this as well because so many people are loosing their homes and can't take their pets w/ them, right now shelters are so packed animals are being put down.  Thank you for your kind heart.  Tell him after six months if he is still against it maybe you could volunteer or work for a shelter or something but for now you just want to be able to share this with him a little bit but they won't be a bother to him.  You know kiss him, bat your eyes, poke out your lip do whatever to get your way ~ nice dinner to butter him up.  Make sure you give him lots of attention during the six months too ;~) Good luck

  4. This is just me, but......


  5. I feel your pain and it sounds like unless you move out and have your own place then you are not going to win this arugument

  6. Why don't you open your own shelter?  Not in your home of course though but on a proper premise.

  7. Tel him this is your lifestyle

  8. well

    as we know animals are alsow living things that god created to live with us and take care of it and love it.

    but as u said ur boyfreind hates them:

    u have three choises:

    or to let ur bf love them and tell him that they cant live like that in the streets without an oner

    or to give them to a petshop that can take care of them but to fit the cats and dogs cuz u said that they are alone

    or u should search for an owner by ur own.

    but i prefare for u to tell ur boyfrend that they are nice and can be kept at home.

    and good luck

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