
Boyfriend smokes and a drug test?

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To work in the casino, you need to take a drug test. I am a drug free person but my boyfriend isnt. Maybe about 4 or 5 times, within the last 2-3 weeks, he smoked his weed around me but we were outside. I got an interview on Friday or Monday and that same day i gotta take a drug test. I want to know if I would fail the drug test. I know it's a urine test. Can someone fill me in on what will happen on the drug test or what should I do?




  1. dont worry about it my man smokes several times a day around me  (in the house) but i dont smoke at all  and ive gone into 2 drug tests for different jobs and passed every time

  2. I have failed drug screens in the past from "second hand smoke " but I was around it every day. so my advise is to study for the test. Intake alot of water and a dose of "creatine" will also help you, about an hour or two before you have to test. BUT IF THE SCENE IS AS YOU SAY, THEN YOU WILL BE A OK.

  3. You are unlikely to fail.  I wouldn't try to hide your  cannabis.  It may just make them look closer.  Avoid poppy seeds and your druggy bf.  Typically, they will see mj in the work but will ignore it.  btw, you're kidding yourself if you call yourself drug free but have a loser bf on drugs.  There's no drug free there.

    Drugs affect family and friends, too.

  4. ok you probably wont fail, but like try and drink ALOT of gatorade the day before, and stay away from him smoking from now on. if your really concerned, only drink gatorade for 24 hours before the interview, no food.

    your totally gonna be fine tho. =)

  5. Dump the boyfriend. If he is still smoking weed, he's a loser and always will be. Get a good job and find a good man that makes a lot of $.

  6. drink H20=mineral water genuis

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