
Boyfriend texting ex wife 24-7?

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I recently had suspisions about my other half as he hides his mobile and is very protective over it, I made a note of the date and time one eve when he was really cagey talking to me whilst he was texting and rather badly I know checked this on his next bill. I found the number and the same number comes up from dawn until dusk. I think its his ex wifes but do not know for sure. They do have a kid together but my question is why text from dawn until dusk - not exaggerating here it is literally ALL day when he is at work. I have tried to ring the number to see if it is her but no answer. He rings her on a different number but I know she has two mobiles.




  1. Thats not good! And if no one answers when you call, I'm assuming its because the chick knows your number because she has been forewarned. Having a kid with his ex-wife is certainly not good enough of a reason to text each other all day. You better have a talk with your guy a.s.a.p.!  

    I would be curious why he is so protective of his phone.  

  2. Just be aware that your going to have to deal with this the entirety of the relationship, so if it's getting to you, you should probably find a guy without baggage.

  3. Well the first thing is to confront him... you don't even know if it's his ex, but if your gut is saying it is then you need to talk about it. And even if it's not his ex there isn't anyone on this earth he should talk to that much...

    The question is what are you going to do? You know for sure that he's given time to another person, so will you be dumb enough to stick around for it, or smart enough to walk away? It's your choice.  

  4. He is obviously in love with whomever this woman is.  Texting is a way to hide any record, other than the phone number.  No man alive would want to text his ex-wife 24/7!  You didn't ask any question, but you need to confront him with the phone bill, and ask who he is texting so much.

  5. So what is your question?

  6. so bust him already

  7. You should ask this advice at

    People on the website, should help you out.

  8. I think confront him and ask him.  

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