
Boyfriend too scared to go to the doctors is lame? (long read)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so this is my problem. My BF has been sick for about 2 months now. It started with a cough that didn't go away, and just recently it's developing into a fever and a possible ear infection. I been telling him to go to the clinic to get it taking care of. The fact is he has a fear of hospitals cuz he has lost several people close to him in the hospital. I was understanding of this situation until now.

He is telling me that if I want him to go see the doctor that I have to trick him into going. He actually gave in instructions to pick him up and tell him we are going somewhere other than the doc's. I however offered to drive him to the clinic and go in the room with him. But no he wants me to trick him.

Which is starting to really get to me. He is a grown man in his early 20's I am not going to play games with him and trick him into going to the docs. He is an adult he should be able to take care of himself or at least let me go with him. I feel stupid like I am playing mother to him. I talked to him and told him I don't like it... he's usually very understanding to what ever I have a problem with except for this one issue.

I tried talking about it to him. I said I don't like how he's acting like a kid, he needs to grow up and take care of his health cuz he is obviously getting worse. letting this fear get to him is only going to hurt his health. I also asked him if this is what he is going to be expecting of me when we are older, to every time treat him like a baby and coax him in the car.

No I don't want to be his mother and I refuse to treat him like a child.

His words to me when I explained how I felt was (in a baby voice) "you dont care?" and "it's ok i asked my sister to trick me and she said yeah" (in a way to upset me).

It really pissed me off. I hate when grown men use baby voices, its so annoying, I have never seen this childish side of him. I do understand his fear and all, I also have the same fear and know what it is like, it's like pulling teeth to get the courage to go, but it's only for the best. I just don't like the fact he's being such a baby about this. Tell me if I'm wrong on that?

Should I give up trying to make him go until he is ready?

or should I play into his game and trick him into going to the docs?

I don't see how it can be a trick anyways if I have to get all the info from him.




  1. Point out that him acting like a child is really unattractive, so not to expect any nookie until he starts acting like a "grown up."

  2. gosh do the trick , its better this way ,just do it

  3. First of all me being an old f**t now when a male is in his 20's he's not a grown man.  His body yes and him mind no.  This sounds to me like a simple case that Amoxicilin should clear up.  Money might be his fear he might not want to admit he can't afford it.  I think with a clinic visit and the med it will be just shy of 200 bucks.  The hospital is not where he needs to go (now) he needs a clinic.  I see them in and around shopping malls.  Ask him to go to the drug store with you to find some over the counter meds a pharmacist might recommend and when your passing a clinic have a friend be in there to open the door and you push him and your friend pull him in..  

  4. Beh! grown men acting like babbies is no cool. What happens when you guys have a baby? then you will have two!

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