
Boyfriend troubles. Please help!?

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Me and my bf have been dating almost a year and I love him a lot but now there are some things in this relationship that are really bugging me.

He is so stubborn it drives me nuts. I don't ask for a lot but almost never compromises. Also, tonight, he's been hanging out alone with another girl who I think likes him which really bothers me. I've told him that too but he doesn't believe me and he doesn't care. What makes it even worse is that if I hang out with another guy for a while, he has a big problem with that and gets really paranoid.

I've tried talking to him about this but all he does is listen and I think he thinks that that alone will make me happy, but it's not enough! I've been willing to work on the things that bother him but he won't do the same.

What should I do?




  1. He needs to respect your wishes and if he can't kick him to the curb, there's a man that will!

  2. just be strait with him. Tell him what's bugging you and what  you want. He'll either have to listen or you'll walk away. Some guys need it in their face.

  3. If my boyfriend was with a girl who I thought liked him, I would straight up threaten him that I'm going to leave him if he keeps hanging out with her ALONE! There is no reason for you to suffer wondering if he's cheating on you with this girl or not. You shouldn't be worrying yourself with that. You deserve better. You tell him also that if he keeps seeing her, then you're going to keep seeing your other guy friends. Fair is fair.  

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