
Boyfriend wanted space, now he wants me to come over tonight, should i?

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend and i of 5 yrs got in a dumb fight last sunday and all week he was too busy to talk to me at work, but i kept texting him anyway..just saying i love you and stuff...he would only respond once and it would be really late when he did. then he just stopped answering my phone calls and texts and told me he needed space from me. so i got really sad but he said everything was fine with us and thatd hed text me that night and call the text day to hang out. he didnt do either. i was told to leave him alone and give him his space even though it would be hard...and only a day later, today,...he called me and said he was hanging out with all his buddies today (so i take it he just wanted boy time the whole time) and that afterwards he wants me to come over and spend the night. we were laughing and talking nicely on the phone and saying i love you, but i am not sure if i should rush over there....and if i do go over there should i just be fun and not bring up anything that he has done to hurt me lately? i dont want him to regret inviting me over.




  1. Sometimes this could a form of control for men.  So I would suggest to try to switch it around like at last minute find something and say it just came up and ask for another time.  Or even just say I have this today can I come over tomorrow because it is not on his terms.

  2. No.  It sounds like he's just having you over for his convenience.  After five years, you really need to ask yourself if this is worth it.  You have been with him for 5 years and you can't even bring up your hurt feelings to him. And the whole "I don't want him to regret inviting me over" part- what about you?  Do you want to go over there?  If the answer is yes, go, but not if it's because you feel forced to because he would be unhappy if you didn't.  If you can forgive him for not really talking to you, then just forget about it.  But reading this, it seems like you really were hurt.  Talk to him about it.  Why does he need space?  You've been together for five years- and he wants space. Is it work?  Is he stressed out? Communication is important.  You should talk to him.

  3. It is possible he just wants to have s*x with you.

  4. I think you should go. If for no other reason, you should definitely go so you can find out what is up! Maybe he just really needed some space. If you guys were acting normal on the phone, then most likely he's worked through whatever was bothering him. As for talking about it....don't bring it up right away, but don't act like it didn't happen either. Maybe let it go for tonight and just spend some time with him, but after that you should definitely talk to him about it. If you let these things go and keep all your hurt inside it will just eat away at you until you finally blow up. You don't want that to happen because then it will be alot worse than just talking about it now. Hope I've helped. Good luck!

  5. This is a  tricky situation. From a  male point of view this sounds like hes playing  games , he wants to  have space to go play with his friends but at night he wants you. That seems fishy if he truly wanted space he would put space between you. If you decide to take the invite  I would have a talk with him about where your relationship is headed because you deserve that respect , games are for the playground, and your heart is not a playground.

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