
Boyfriend who plays to much and i want him to stop?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend is a year older then me but he plays to much sometimes. He knows what gets on my nerves but he really doesnt care and he says he does it because he is bored. This is really starting to p**s me off. i love him to death but this is pushing me away alot and he needs to understand that. its like he's hurting me on purpose but he says its a "bad habit" I wanna know what can i do to make him stop b4 i end up ending this realationship.




  1. Plays how?

    If this is referred to video games etc....then I suggest stop trying to change someone to suit what you want.  If that is what he likes then you need to learn to accept it or move on.

    If this is playing with other women then why bother fighting for it? leave.

  2. you can't change people.. some people more than others..

    noone is perfect, so if you really do love him i think you should learn to deal with it.. there is nothing in the world that dictates you HAVE to be bothered by his games..

    you don't have to let him get on your nerves, you can be above that.. so no, don't end a relationship because the other person isn't perfect.. find a way to deal with it.. that's maturity..

  3. Stop talking to him.  Don't call, don't do anything.  When he asks what is wrong, tell him you don't feel like talking because he keeps playing around and ask why you would want to talk to someone that plays around and doesn't respect your thoughts on it.  If that doesn't work, then, well, break up and find a more mature guy!

  4. break up with him and look for someone who will treat you better

  5. I have the same problem with my boyfriend. He's also a year older than me. You need to set some boundaries and stick to them. Tell him it really bothers you and it's causing problems in your relationship. Let him know that if he doesn't stop, you'll have to take some sort of action. Say that things have to change. If that does't work and you don't want to lose him, you'll have to just accept it. Which is lame, but sometimes all you can do. Good luck.

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