
Boys, would you date a girl of another religion? *ADOLESCENT*?

by Guest59064  |  earlier

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Say you came from a very strict Catholic family and you fell in love with a girl whos atheist. would you let that affect your relationship? why or why not? Should different religion matter if you are in love?




  1. well honestly my mom is catholic,dad isn't and basically how i look at is if you really love the person you would probably not care about their religion as much.though if you had children you have to just consider like how would you grow your children up but besides that wouldn't really matter much to me.

  2. For most guy like us we don't take religion to deeply. remember most guys love girls with lovely personalities cause I know I do. I'd become rebelious to my parents if they prevented me from dating a girl i would like to date. Remember Love is endless there are no dead ends.

  3. I'm not a guy but... No it wouldn't affect me. My lover used to be atheist and I was christian but now we don't exactly have a religion. XD We argue over religion a lot but other than that, we're fine. =D

  4. This is pretty much the situation I'm in, only he's not STRICT Catholic and I'm not atheist, I'm just no religion basically.

    It doesn't affect us.

  5. I think if a boy really loved a girl then he wouldn't care about what religon she was.

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