
Boys,do you wash your hands after pee?

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Boys,do you wash your hands after pee?




  1. We do?  Do girls wash their hands after pee?  Everyone should wash their hands after useing the bathroom.

  2. Certainly. it is part of being clean

  3. Surely I do..but here is what is confusing..they say our hands are the dirtiest part of the should we also wash our hands before we pee?

  4. Of Course i do. I wash them before i go to toilet and after i been to toilet. i wash my hands all the time. that's where the most bacteria is passed on from is from your hands

    but did you know

    People don't always wash their hands after using the bathroom — 91% of adults say they always wash their hands after using public restrooms, but just 83% were seen doing so.

    People wash their hands less at home — 83% say they wash their hands after using the bathroom at home. Germs are germs, and a bathroom is a bathroom.

    Only 32% of people in the survey said they wash their hands after coughing or sneezing. So it's nice that you protect the people around you by covering your mouth with your hand when you cough. But if you then reach for your friend's pizza, you might as well not have bothered.

    Just 21% wash their hands after handling money.

    Only 42% of the people in the survey washed up after petting a dog or cat. You've seen your dog roll in that mystery smell in the park or your cat rub against you after using the litter pan. Fido and Fluffy are dirtier than you think.

  5. thats kind of hard to do in the porta-potty at work...i was taught not to p**s on them...

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