
Boys/Men i have a question for you!

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Do you like a girl with a LOT of make up on


a little make up on?

the girl with alot of make up looks like..she has alot of make up on

and a girl with a little make up on looks natural.




  1. a little because if you put too much makeup on it looks like your trying to hard and don't think you look good

  2. I like women that r neutral as that is their true beauty. Make up covers their beauty up.  

  3. not so much makeup

  4. most women don't need makeup, it just makes you smokin hotter...

  5. I don't like so much that she looks like queen amadala from star wars, but I like just enough to cover gross things on her skin.

  6. a little not to much she will look like a doll like a Barby doll.  

  7. i dont like chicks that have ALOT of make-up. a little makeup is definately fine though

  8. yes

  9. A little makeup is good.

  10. etheir little or none. i like seeing the real beauty of a girl.

  11. no makeup, I like natural girls

  12. natural girl

  13. just a little bit of makeup to much just looks disgusting like a layer of sumthing on their face but just a little bit can look hot.

  14. a little make up.

  15. Just a little

  16. little

    if she can get away with none, that'd be best. but most girls can't, so little

    girls with too much makeup are disgusting. I don't want to touch them because I feel like i'll covered in their makeup and it's just..nasty

  17. no! no make up at all.  

  18. to be honest i really care about booty and b***s.

  19. be natural or lightly made up so u don't scare a man when you take off layers of make up!!  

  20. when women have to much makeup on, its not nice, going natural is pretty and makes the women look more attractive :)

    but if you need to put on a little e.g eyeliner etc then That does it fine for me :)

  21. little, no doubt about it

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