
Boys!!!...does it matter whether a girl has a beautiful walk?

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...ok, let's say if her walk wasn't very graceful would you still like her if she's pretty?




  1. would be nice if she carries herself like a woman (womanly (feminine) walk)

  2. The walk matters not. What matters is not using the term "boys".  

  3. I'm not a boy but I don't think it matters that much. I've alot of friends who are guys and to be honest they usually slag the girls who walk swaying their hips.

    Stop worring and enjoy life!

  4. the walk only matters on the runway fashion shows.

    no where else.

    just walk with you head high and with confidence. you dont need to sway, or walk like models etc.  

  5. Does,nt matter at all, And ALL girls are pretty.

  6. I am a girl and I think it matters .

    What if a girl had bow legs,not being horrible like.

    Actually Med Man put it better.

  7. Well,  a good looking girl is a good looking girl regardless..  If you are all about the legs in heals then maybe the walk will be more important...  

  8. No,  it would be very cute to have a less than graceful girl! Looks are not everything either-- personality!!!!!

  9. lol unless she had a silly walk from watching too much monty python...

  10. It would if you are being questioned by the police when they are looking for a stalker.

  11. well as long as you love her her walk shouldnt matter.

    love isnt about the walk its her looks and personailty

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