
Boys kissing?

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I have a 3y/o son and 5y/o daughter they always play with our neighbor boy who is 8. I have him over at my house because of the age of my children I don't let them go to his house. We have lived next door to his family for a year now and today I let them play at his home for 30min. My nightmare came true my daughter told me the 8y/o boy french kissed my 3y/o son. I told the mother but have no idea what to do next. I don't want my kids to play with him and have not wanted them to because the boys is just a bad kid but I don't know if I am over reacting. The 8yo is also teaching my 3y/o swear words. And I am mad because of the action of the child I would be mad if it was my daughter too. So what should I do next?




  1. I would discuss this with his parents in more detail and keep the kids away from each other at all times.

  2. teach the 3 year old that what the 8 year old did is bad for his age (like "only grown ups are allowed to kiss that way" kind of thing) and that swear words are bad... etc.. etc..

    and talk more with the parents of the 8 year old child. he doesn't need to grow up being a pedophile....

    good luck

  3. You are right to be upset.  I would definately keep my kids away from the boy and explain to your kids that touching someone innappropriately (including kissing) is not okay. I would wonder where the other child learned to french kiss in the first place. Perhaps he had been abused? I would probably contact cps and let them know about the situation. Maybe you would be saving the boy from an abuser.  I used to work in a residential treatment facility for sexually aggressive youth and quite frequently the abuser is acting out and repeating behavior he has been victim to himself.  Don't let this just go away quietly.

  4. hmmmmmmm...this one is verry verry tough..if it were my kids i wouldnt alow them to cross paths...there your kdis do what you feel is right...

  5. you don't need to move but you do need them to stop playing. Just tell the boy if he comes over that you feel he is too old for them and you want them playing with kids their own age

  6. Simplymommy is overreacting. I doubt he's being abused because he knows about French kissing. I knew about s*x when I was 8 and I wasn't abused. Sexually. Btw this answer was serious, unlike my others.

  7. YUK! I would get my kids outta there and not have anything to do with any of those people! That is terrible, and good on you for dealing with it and discussing the situation with your kids.

    What a horrible thing to have to go through. Personally I would just tell the mother you don't want her kid over anymore. I know it's hard but think of your children, you don't want their little innocent minds polluted with that c**p!!! Hope it goes well X

  8. i suggest you stay away from the 8 yr old - kids tend to look towards elders kids for behavior tips and kind of follow them....he's 5 yrs elder to ur son so as it is the gap is a bit too much

  9. Don't let them play together and tell his mother, that is horrible behavior and you shouldn't subject your children to it!!
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