
Boys problem help please...?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my crush can now drive and I asked him to bring me lunch and now my TINY HS SCHOOL (25 in each grade level) knows about it... well at least my grade level does...

but yeah.. he's nice to do that. but i'm not sure if he does it bc he likes me too? BUT the thing is.. he kept asking money for it.. well of course I'll pay him, but like, he kept reminding me.. and b4 he was going to buy it, he made sure TWICE that I know that I'm paying.

i mean, ppl know that they'll pay for their food.. why is he like making sure and reminding me often that I need to pay?

BUT there are signs that he liked me...


wat do you guys think?

OHHH! also, my friend made me go give him a hug, that he bought my lunch..

but am a shy girl, and didn't. well I hugs ppl. but it'll just be weird if i go up to him and hug him..and he might not hug me back...


and like now many of my friends are like waiting for the day I'm going out with him... I wanted to.. but... im so confused.




  1. if he liked you he would not make you pay

    answer mine??? thank you;...

  2. you wont listen to me when I say this but I think he might be playing you

  3. Okay, you are asking way too many confusing things...Seriously whats the real question here?? You think YOU'RE confused...

  4. Well maybe he doesn't have a lot of money and he just wanted to make sure he was going to get his money back. Its hard telling if he likes you or not there really isn't a lot of info. Just because he brought you lunch doesn't mean he likes you. . .

  5. I'm sorry but I dont think he likes you.  If he did, then he would have payed for your lunch ;/  

    Some guys turn into gentlemen when they like a girl and some turn into flirting jerks.....

    cause he seems like neither of these, I dont think hes in to you....yet.

  6. well i dont think he is a nice guy at all

  7. a good guy always pays .if he makes you pay now , h**l always make you pay . give him his GD money and find a good chivalrous guy who will bring you lunch without being asked , pay for it , and make you hug him in return !

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