
Boys rock this question...?

by  |  earlier

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last week me and my friend...we'll call him josh went to a theme park with our families and he is in 8th grade and i am in 9th grade but we are less then ten months apart in age.

anyways at this place we were basically touching in some way the whole day like he would walk up to me and stand so our shoulders were basically touching or something.

then at dinner i moved my chair over closer to him and he didn't even flinch. the only reason i moved over was because he was knocking my knee with his so i had to get closer to get him back :)

other times i put my arm around him just to see what he would do and he didn't even care. he cant date til he is like 15 or 17 or something like that so he isn't the type of player boy who always flirts with girls and stuff like that.

whats the deal with this boy?

tell me what this means guys and girls.

please dont post bad feedback.

thank you!





  2. I think.. you should just go with the flow, if you see him again see how it goes... but don't pursue a relationship because you will end up over thinking it. Just relax! and have a good time if you think that it starts to go somewhere farther talk to him about it maybe, but subtly, you don't wanna freak him out or anything.

    Good luck hun!

    answer mine

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