
Boys what gets you in the mood.

by  |  earlier

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I have a neighbor in he is older than me. But he just talks what will get him in the mood.




  1. come on now... boys will be boys...and all they really require is just being a female

  2. I'm always in the mood.

  3. Dress s**y and flirt with him know that would get me in the mood:)

  4. this question does not get me in the mood

  5. ur hot *****

  6. maybe he just wants 2 be your friend n not anything eles..

  7. How old is he?  How old are you?  I can surmise from what seems to be a relative lack of sexual experience that you both are rather young.  Are you sure you want to "get him in the mood"?  I would make sure you protect yourself if the answer is right.  Touching and kissing are both good ways to get a guy in the mood.  Very few men mind forward women so if he is shy just make the move on him.

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