
Bpd any help on how i can cope better?

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hey everyone I'm 21 now i was told when i was 15 that i have BPD but since then iv been in hospital more times than i can remember my last time was very very bad i ended up on life support that was my intention but it seems that every attempt on my life seems to get more and more serious each time. i don't no why i feel the need to do this kind of harm to myself and don't no why my psychiatrist wont help me. i need help i cant keep doing this any suggestions people? i refuse to still be doing this when I'm 30, no way on earth. please any help would be good.






  1. you are special that's why you shouldn't do these things to yourself we are all special and its not about how others view you this thing called life is hard for all of us we all have our good days and bad ones its just life don't let life beat you up. learn to love yourself because if you were not meant to be here you wouldn't be you have a purpose and you just don't know what it is figure that out and everything else will fall in place good luck

  2. Have you been through DBT -- dialectical behavio(u)r therapy?  It is extremely beneficial for people who have borderline personality disorder because it teaches the skills needed to deal with the crises that come up in a BPD life.  (Was diagnosed at one point and no longer carry the dx.)  DBT teaches core mindfulness (staying in the present,) emotion regulation (being able to regulate your emotions,) distress tolerance (how to tolerate stuff when you have to go through it,) and interpersonal effectiveness skills (how to get what you need effectively.)

    I found DBT skills to be helpful in dealing with a lot of the issues that came up from my past and the things I couldn't handle on a day to day basis.  They helped me handle those things I thought I couldn't face or couldn't do anything about -- because there was no answer -- those were the one I had to tolerate and DBT helped me do that and stop cutting.  (I was never seriously suicidal.)  Perhaps it can help you.

    If you have a therapist you should ask about it, if you don't you might ask your primary care doctor to see if s/he can locate a group for you to attend.

    Hope this helps.

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