
Bracaes are hurting my teeth!!!?

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i just got on my braces two days ago and they hurt really bad!

My teeth ache and the inside of my mouth is raw because they are rubbing up against the sides of my mouth!

i tried advil and tylonel and abunch of other pain releivers but nothing is working!

please please help!

i am in soooo much pain!!!




  1. I had braces many years ago and they are painful but so worth it.  The only thing I can suggest is getting some wax from the orthodontist and putting over the part of brace or wire that is rubbing against your mouth.  Not much you can do about the pain, unfortunately.  

  2. The pain will go away soon, but if it really hurts that bad, then go see your ortho.

  3. Go easy on eating - try and eat soft things!

    It's worth it in the end!

  4. i got braces yesterday and they hurt really bad, im just eating ice cream and it seems to be working :D

  5. use the wax they gave you and put it where it's rubbing your mouth.

    the pain will just go away by itself.

  6. dont think about the pain. think of cookies and icecream and ur braces falling off and ull be free!!!!!

  7. I had braces for 2.5 years. It is going to hurt, and if pain relievers aren't helping, the only thing that will help is time and eating really soft foods.

    My teeth were really crowded, and my teeth hurt SO bad once I first got my braces, but that's just what braces do. It will get easier and your teeth will be beautiful once you are done with your braces.

    Your orthodontist should have given you dental wax, which you can put on the brackets to keep them from cutting up the insides ofyour mouth.

  8. your spelling is hurting my brain

    your gonna get used to it dont worry

  9. sorry kiddo but u just have to deal! pain killers and wax are the only things that will make you feel better, if it doesnt ur just gonna have to deal, when i first got mine on a few months ago by the second day i was in terrible pain, but i tryed to ignore it, it will go away b4 u no it :)

    also try cold or hot things whatever works best, cold made me feel better, like ice cream and stuff, but maybe hot coco or something will help you, it depends :)

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