
Brace question......?

by  |  earlier

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Okaii so the othodontist showed my these blue rubber bands last time and told me they would be fiited this time. Please tell me if they hurst as im having them done in 4 days..... thnx :]




  1. if they are rubber bands that go from one tooth to another, then yes, they will make you sore.  they are pulling your tooth into a different position and putting constant stress on the teeth in order to do's bearable, it's similiar in feel to when you get your braces tightened, but you will be sore.

  2. do you mean spacers, in between your back teeth?

    they don't hurt, they just feel a little uncomfortable :)

  3. they will 4 awhile but be thankful u never wore a monobloc. that 2 me was living HELLLLLL. I had problems with that more than the bands. I have a severe overbite

  4. I had braces last year, and I was afraid of the same thing. But don't worry, they don't hurt at all. They're just to make sure your mouth shuts properly, and not at an angle, or anything. You may feel a little pressure on your jaws, but they don't hurt at all.

  5. your mouth will be sore at first, but the amount of sore and how long it will be all depends on how you are having them put it. mine were placed from my canine tooth to my molar and it wasnt bad at all, but i have seen some crazy patterns. so if its too much during the day, then just wear them at night and take it off in the morning.
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