
Braces: Eating the inside of my mouth!!?

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Hi All!

I just got the braces put on the bottom, and literally 12 hours later, it feels like the whole bottom (behind my lip) is just RAW!! What in the world can I do to cure the pain?

When I just had top braces, I NEVER EVER EVER experienced this type of pain.

Any advice you can give.

To make things worst, I have these little hooks that are just clawing away at the bottom backside of my lip and it really starting to get annoying and old.

Thank yoU!




  1. The dentist or orthadontist should have given you some soft wax to place on spots that bother you. Your lip will "get used" to the braces but until then use the wax to cover any rough spots, you can also get it at Walgreens or other pharmacies.  

  2. there are these peices of wax that ur orthodontist can give you..that you stick on the sharp parts of your braces so it becomes smooth

  3. Ouch! I remember when I had braces... around the area it is poking it looks white, fleshy, and basically like you said raw right?  Well what I used to do was either:

    1) Got used to the pain until my next appointment came up

    2) used wax the dentist gave me

    3) If i ran out of wax I used tissue paper or something soft  to block the poking wire to the skin

    For the mean time I would go with 3 or just go to the orthodontist to cut the wire if you have the time...

    Good Luck and take care

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