
Braces HELP!? Please :)?

by Guest63729  |  earlier

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I just got braces today and I've had them on for about 7 or 8 hours and they're starting to ache a bit. How long will my teeth be soar?




  1. they will hurt for awhile. not sure how long or when the sorenes will go away. that all depends on you and how your pain tolerence is.

    you will feel this everytime they tighten your braces.

    for the pain you can take some asprin or something for the pain.

  2. Depending on how sensitive your gums are, it will last from 2 days to about a week. Painkillers are always helpful for tooth aches such as Tylenol, but I also suggest NOT to take Advil because it inhibits your gums from swelling which causes your teeth to move at a much slower rate.

    So the bottom line is to take Tylenol and and try to entertain yourself anyway possible to distract you from the ache.

    Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon!

  3. For about a week :[ It sucks, but once it's over, you'll be able to eat and live your life normally :]

  4. about 1 week:(

  5. a week or two, take tylanol, i think thats who its spelled, but it helped me alot

  6. When i first got them it was roughly 3 days of aches, i noticed everybody else says 1 week but for me it was less ( There is hope! ). The worst is when it cuts into your cheek or when they tighten it! But you have all that to come! =)

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