
Braces! Help! Again!?

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I need help with braces. I need 2 know all about them. What type 2 get, what coloured bands, retainers, process, tratment, everything im getting them on september 4th. Thanks.!




  1. what do you mean what type ? i think theres only one type of braces. and thats with wire. for color, try all of them ! haah cus you go there like once a month so you have alot of time to try them. i personally dont like the dark green cus it looks like you have something stuck on your teeth. and yellow bands make your teeth look yellow. also, clear is not good cus it changes color depending on waht you eat. kinda gross/: i always get light blue and white cus they make my teeth look whiter. haah and you wear braces for about two years (or more) depending on how bad your teeth are. and theen after braces you wear retainers for the resttt off yourrr liiiifeee. aha i know sucks. ive had mine over a year. good luck !

  2. Hey, i've only had my braces for 4 days, but i'll tell you what I know. there are metal braces, ceramic braces and the invisiline. from what i've heard, the metal ones work the fastest, the ceramic ones cost a little more. you get to chose which color(s) of ligatures that holds the wire on the bracket. the colors that are available depend on your orthodontist. some only have a few color choices, and some have alot. this site -->  lets you play around with different colors. your orthodontist may not have all the colors on that site though, but it'll give you an idea.

    as for more info this site -->  has tons of info for braces before, during, and after.  

  3. If your orthodontist thinks he needs to enlarge your mouth because your teeth are to close together, he'll either give you a retainer, or pull out teeth.

    the coloured bands are usually anycolor you want. the orthodontist will either let you pic a color or two, or he'll give you a boring color.

    first couple weeks of them hurt and you have to eat soft foods like ice cream, mashed potatoes, and soup.

  4. My orthodontist gave me three choices for mine when I got them. You can get normal metal ones, ones that have colored rubber bands, or the clear kind. I chose colors because the metal is boring and the clear kind makes you look like you have a lot of plaque. You can choose to have two colors or one.

    The orthodontist might put rubber bands on you after awhile to shift your jaw, but those usually don't last too long.

    When you get your braces off, you're supposed to wear a retainer every night. A lot of people skip nights but if you stop wearing it your teeth will shift back to their old positions and you'll have to get braces again.

    The orthodontist will attach the brackets to your teeth when you go and then string the wire through them. It'll hurt, especially if you get the top and bottom on at the same time, but it'll go away after a week or two. Just eat soft foods and take pain medication.

    You don't have to do this when you first get the braces, since it usually hurts too much, but when the pain goes away, you should brush your teeth, floss, and possibly swish some mouthwash. You can also get a tiny little brush (the orthodontist might give you one) that is used for scrubbing underneath the wire.

    You'll probably hate them when you see them in the mirror, but that's common and they'll start to look better. They straighten out pretty good in the first few weeks. It'll also feel strange, but that's normal too. You can apply wax to the brackets if they're poking your mouth.

    It varies on how long you'll have them, depending on if you've lost all your teeth or how crooked they are. My sister had them on for a year and a half, and this girl I know had them on for five years.

    Beware of food getting stuck in your braces, too. It's easier for them to get clogged.  

  5. Your ortho will decide what type you get. The only thing you get to pick is the colour.

    Colours don't look that nice. They kinda look like you've got jelly babies stuck in your teeth. Just leave them plain tbh.
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