
Braces!!! Help!!!?

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Ok..I'm getting my spacers tomorrow, then next week i get my braces! I have low self esteem and since school is going to start soon, im just afraid nobody will find me attractive!! Please help me!!




  1. don't worry basically everyone in school has braces on now or has had them on before....its not a big deal any more...and by the way just wanted to warn you...when i had my spacers, they hurt

  2. its okay!

    Ok look, spacers hurt worse than braces(not trying to worry you or anything), but really its not that bad!

    and dont worry about looks, alot of people will prolly have braces.

    so dont worry and good luck!

    message me if you need anything.

  3. its fine....all middle schoolers and high schoolers start off with them cuz their permanent teeth come....i have had them but obviously I'm home yeah just be yourself and remember their not on forever!!! their gonna stay for a year and thats all!!!

  4. Don't worry. If you are really worried about your braces being noticeable, get them on the inside or get invisible ones. ;) But at the most, you should TRY to bring up your self esteem. Don't worry about being attractive. The good guys like personality.

  5. Can i just say i got braces 3 months ago - and ive smiled more with them than before.

    They are actually considered pretty cool these day, loads of teenagers have them - im not gonna lie, the pain in the first few days isnt great - but one thats gone, you never notice them.

    Dont worry about it!


  6. it will been fine you will be okay! i had braces for 3 years and nobody ever made fun of me!! lol! :))))))  good luck!

  7. You should be lucky you're going to get braces, though it hurts a bit. Believe me, I've been wearing them for nearly two years, and i'm not embarrassed to say. But imagine going through your process with perfect teeth when you grow to your early 20s. That's when people see you being attractive, versus a person who wears braces after his/her 20s looks a bit awkward. My conclusion, be self-confident and smile :D

  8. Relax.Braces seem like the biggest embarrassment and problem ever but there not.I have them and i also have a bit of low self-esteem and confidence issues, but let me tell you it's a big help especially in the future. Braces help Aline your teeth and position them straight. So in the future it's better to have straight teeth than crooked ones. I completely freaked out when i got mine on.Plus, it's a lot of work to keep up with them. Responsibility.Just think of it as an independent job you get to be in charge of.It'll help you out a lot. And whatever people say or think it's no big deal.Just remember that this is one little sacrifice you have to make to have a winning smile.:)
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