
Braces Help?

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I just got my braces on a few days ago. They hurt pretty bad and there digging into my gums. Any tips or ideas?????????????????




  1. I agree with the other person who answered: wax. And if that doesn't do it for you, make sure to go back to the ortho and let them know. Sometimes they are able to cut the wires down. I often had that problem while I had braces (total of 3 years). When the ortho asks if anything is poking you, check, and don't be afraid to say so if there is. It will save you the pain later!

    Good luck as well.

  2. Wax and swish warmish saltywater around!!! good luck!!

  3. Wax is your friend.

    I always had my lowerlip getting snagged on the braces on my lower front teeth.  I wore wax for quite a while.

    Good luck and feel better!

  4. Yes, use wax, but not for too long or your mouth will get too used to it and never learn to live without it.

    Also use Oragel on your mouth, it numbs your mouth so the pain isn't that bad.

    Braces usually hurt for about the first 2-3 days, so just stick with it! They pay off in the end!

  5. yeah use wax and rinse your gums with salt water stops the aching.

  6. i just got mine on yesterday

    they are still sore

    im still unable to eat or chew properly its really uncomfy

    ive asked a few friends who recently got them too and they all say the pain goes away after 3-6 days

    they also said to use some of the wax they give you and to suck your food to make it soft before you chew

    hope the pain goes away for you!

  7. Wax helps a lot but it's kinda annoying

    I have braces so i understand how you feel. They dig into the side of my mouth a lot but you get over it or used to it at least. If you are in a lot of pain then use wax I don't know if you can get it in stores, but your dentist should give it to you. =]

    Oh and also 'ANBESOL'  helps you can get it at a drug store or Walmart you just have to rub it on your gums.
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