
Braces??!!!! Help!!!

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Heyyyy u guys!!! I just got my spacers in Monday(painful!!) I'm going to be getting my braces in next Monday:-//// At first i wanted the clear cosmetic braces but they only put those on the top teeth and they cost $500 more. For a while i all ways thought that my friend had had clear braces but then i asked her and it turned out that she only had clear brackets on the top teeth and the rubberbands were actually pearl color. I like the pearl cause it dosn't stain. I was wondering would it cost less money to get the clear brackets cause the rubberbands that i want (pearl) aer not the clear ones. So i if i only got the clear brackets on top would it be less then the cosmetic ones ($500)????

Thanks You Guys Sooooooooo Much!!!!!!





  1. yes. at least at my ortho it is.

    right now i have clear brackets with the pearl rubberband on.

    at my ortho it cost exactly the same as having the metal kind or the colored bands.

    not sure how ur ortho prices stuff though.

  2. Noelle,

    Every orthodontist has his/her own charges for treatment and there is no way that I could say what would cost less or more.

    As to the pain that you are having I can say that it will go away pretty quickly. The way to describe what is happening when the teeth start to move is this:

    Imagine that you are pushing a very heavy couch across the floor. You have to strain very hard to get it moving but, once the couch starts to move, it gets easier to move.

    Well, that is how it is with braces. You are moving the teeth into a different position in the jaw bone. Getting the teeth moving is the hard part but, once they start to move it is less painful.

    You will probably have some discomfort when the braces are first put on and then when they are adjusted you will also have some discomfort. But, just taking a Tylenol or Ibuprofen should be more than enough to alleviate your discomfort.

    Either way... you will end up with a beautiful smile.

  3. i had clear brackets on jsut my top row and the metal ones on my bottom row.

    i dont recall my ortho telling me or my mom about any extra cost for getting the clear brackets. actually, i never even knew i was getting the clear ones until they actually wen tto put them on!

    yes it should be the same price as regular braces...with my experience with them, i neevr heard otehrwise!

    i never knew that they had different colooured elastic bands!

    if you cant get the peral coloured ones, it really isnt that bad cause the colour of the regular oens are very neutral you know? so it really isnt too bad.

  4. heres a website 4 u.


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