
Braces PaiN!!!??!!?

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ok i am getting braces next week and i just wanted to know some ways to survive the pain especially when eating

please peeps that have had experience please answer!! =]




  1. getting them on doesnt hurt one bit. try taking advil/tylenol before going in to help with the "soreness" afterwards. They will be "sore" for a couple days afterwards, again continue taking the tylenol/advil as needed.

    some people complain about horrible pain with braces, I have been having mine for 2 1/2 mths and NEVER had this horrible pain. It is "sore though, which is usually helped by tylenol.

  2. i just got my braces on yesterday :(

    well, my top ones so the pain is definitely fresh.

    but i've had braces for 10 months

    you can always use anbesol to numb the pain but there's not much you can do. they'll hurt for the next three days and then you'll get used to the pressure. mine hurt terribly and it sucks because when i eat it hurts reaaaally badly. but soon you'll get used to it and it'll pretty much be normal again

    make sure you get ortho wax. four of the brackets (two on each jaw) will have the little pointy things that might/will cut yr gums.  take a little piece of wax, roll it into a ball, and stick it onto the points.

    yr othodontist may or may not show you.

    every office is different :)

  3. ok i just got them like 2 weeks ago and im not gona lie it did hurt! some things tht should help is definitly take advil or ib profin. it usally helps! and try to eat softer food yougurts soups exc.

    hope this helps and goodluck!

  4. i have braces and you only have pain for about 3 days. if you get you braces and they are cutting you on your cheeks ask your dentist for some wax to cover the metal part that is cutting you.also you may want to take an asprin.and for eating you may want to stick with a liquid diet or really soft foods because it may hurt to chew.

  5. it will be difficult in the begining. Take soft food. Later you will used to it.

  6. just take lots of advil and worked for me! but eating will still hurt for the first week or so

  7. Whenever I had them, it only hurt for like two days and then I didn't even notice them. The first day, stick to eating soft things and drinking milkshakes! After that, you can eat what you usually do. Sometime if the pain gets really bad, ask your mom for some Tylenol or Ibuprofen.

  8. Awww Im so sorry, I had braces for 3 years back in high school and I hated them. I often ask people with braces...Dosen't it hurt?....but one responds yes. It may depend on the orthodontist and what type of braces they use..Ask for those wax bars and put them on top oon the strachy parts and everytime you get an adjustment take advil an hour or 2 before the appointment and every 6 hours after that for 2 or 3 days. It helps good luck

  9. i was going to get them S= but didnt.. well you can reduce the pain, where you go to get the braces they have a brace gel thing for sale that reduces pain easily

  10. Ok. Before you go in to get the braces on take a pain reliever of some sort Tylenol or whatever. It doesn't hurt to get them on but it does after. And take Tylenol whenever you think it's starting to wear off. Also, Orajel Extra Strength is a life saver. But it on your gums after you get your braces on and you don't feel much pain. About eating, just eat soft food for the first 5 days or so! :) You'll be great!

  11. It didn't really hurt for me. I just couldn't eat after the first day. Just take some painkillers and try eating soft foods.

  12. IT depends, if you have bad teeth and crooked as well then it will be painful because you are bringing to be straight. But if your teeth are straight but you need to fix a gap or overbite, then there will be a little pain, but not that much, good luck! -marty jean baker.
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