
Braces: a few questionss

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I got my braces about a week ago and I just have a few questions:

1) Should I not use toothpaste that whitens ur teeth?...

2) When will I see some improvement of my teeth? It's been a week and my teeth still look the same. Is this normal? (i have to wear my braces for 1.5 years). When do u think i'll start noticing some improvements?

3) I got pearl coloured braces and... they changed colour when I ate this food... and the colour wont come out even when I brush my teeth. Any ideas on how to get it out? (it's not THAT noticable colour change as it's like light yellow)




  1. ive had braces twice. it doesnt matter what kind of tooth paste you use.  if youve had braces on for a week your not going to be able to see the difference, its gradual.  and you probably stained the brace when you had the certain food, theres probably not a way to get it out, but you can just ask your orthadontist for a new set of braces

  2. 1. probably not, it could result in yellow spots when you get your braces off.

    2. it depends on how bad your teeth are. if you only have your braces for a yar and a half they arent too bad, so the change will be very gradual. your notice a change probably after a tightening. and you may not notice it, but they probably have already moved. it only took my teeth about 10 minutes to show change.

    3.i have no idea. lol i was only able to get the normal silver ones. try some listerine maybe.

    hope this helpps (:

  3. 1. i wouldn't

    2. it took about a month for me to start seeing any improvement in the alignment of my teeth

    3. it's better to get the colored ones, like blue, red, pink, because those ones don't change colors. the lighter ones always seem to turn color when you eat.

  4. Hi,

    I'm assuming as you have pearl coloured braces they are fixed and not removable - different advice!

    I'm not a professional but I've always avoided whitening toothpastes as they degrade the enamel (weakens the surface). If you want to use them then make sure you use the little brace's bristle brushes to clean under and between the wires as you will get discolouration differences (particularly after 18mnths!)

    It took a couple of months for me to notice my daughter's teeth were straighter, and after 18mnths they looked amazingly good. It is very gradual. She always used to complain they hurt for a few days after they were tightened though. That seemed to be when they would move.  She also complained they felt a 'bit loose' or 'wobbly', but there was never any problems. If you feel tension on your teeth once the brace has been adjusted then they will be moving/straightening which is what you want - only lasts a few days.

    Discolouration of the bands I can't advice with as my daughter chose black, occassionally blue, and red at halloween! Not light colours easily discoloured. Braces are pretty common/acceptable/trendy nowadays and nothing to be embarrassed about, going for the see-through colour doesn't make them less noticable. Making a statement with vibrant colours can pick up a few brownie points?!

    Anything you might be able to put on your teeth to combat the bands discolouration is likely to attack your teeth too. Wait until the next time you see your orthodontist and they will advice/change them.

    Hey, only 18 months to a brilliant smile!

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