
Braces and bonded teeth?

by  |  earlier

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i have gaps in between all of my top teeth. people say its not bad but i hate it. on top of my " not so bad gaps" i got into a bad bike accident when i was a child and had bonding done. one tooth is completely covered with the bonding because there wasn't much tooth to work with. also i grind my teeth at night now and i feel like my teeth are so weak when i wake up and right before i go to sleep. will getting braces harm my teeth? and what can i do about the grinding of teeth at night? also has anyone had braces even with bonding on there teeth and how did everything turn out




  1. Meet with an orthodintist tell him all your problems and they will fix you all up :]] And if you like totally hate the orthodontist or think he's full of  it don't worry, the consultation are free  

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