
Braces and burgers?

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Is it possible to eat burgers after getting braces? I know that it hurts a few days after you get them on... but what about afterwards? Would it be difficult to clean your teeth?




  1. Of course you can eat burgers with braces. I have braces and eat burgers nothing ever happens.

  2. No you will still be able to eat MOST of the same foods. To avoid food in your braces (the sight is not attractive) tear your sandwiches and burgers in half or into pieces and thro it into the back of your mouth to chew. Its nkot difficult to clean ur teeth just carry a toothbrush with u or dont get food in your teeth.

  3. It wouldn't be that hard to clean. Just be sure to have one of those little brushes that go between the braces.

  4. SCOFF!

    eat Veggie Burgers!

    And It takes COMPLETELY about a month for you eating strengths to come back again

  5. My sister Had Braces and I wouldnt eat meat but if you really want to go ahead.  but i wouldnt Because the meat will get stuck in your braces and some thing and make you look groose .  I hope i help you Good luck

  6. no you can eat almost any thing with braces and all you have to do is floss to get any food out of your teeth. they even give you a specail tool/thingy to get behind the brace's bar things but no i think you will be fine

  7. I had this problem too- but it's not just with burgers. Any kind of food is going to get stuck in there, and I know- it's annoying to worry about smiling with food that won't come out by simply taking a drink to wash it away.

    When I had braces, I carried these dental floss sticks that can be bought at any store that carries regular floss (walmart, target) They're very small, so they would fit in your purse/wallet, on one end is a line of dental floss about an inch wide, and the other end acts as a toothpick (made of plastic though). That end is easy to pick out food under the wires of your braces.

    Good luck!

  8. after the first few days it's fine. just make sure you brush your teeth well

  9. i used to have braces! You can eat anything you want as long as its not gum or anything chewy when you brush use a waterpick it will get those chunks of food out nicely and use mouthwash and brush you teeth 3-4 times a day like you normaly do floss alot


  10. after like 4 days its fine

    you can eat just about everything

  11. Yes you can eat burgers!!! but when your done eating the burger make sure you brush your teeth and between the braces really well.Or when you take them off your teeth will be dirty.
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