
Braces are cutting my cheek, i cant bite down as my back teeth aren't meeting. i've got no wires on yet ?

by  |  earlier

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only clips on back teeth ready for full brace to go on, the clip on it is sticking out to far and cutting my inside to shreds, it's made my cheek blow up, and i can't open my mouth more than a inch, help, do i go to the dentist and tell him?




  1. use wax and yeah when you go to the ortho she will fix it.

  2. u need to  go to the dentist

  3. When I first got my braces it felt as if I had a mouth of metal and that my back teeth weren't touching either. It seems what you are describing is normal adjustment. The orthodontist will add the rest of the braces once you have had time to adjust. In the mean time, you can get wax for braces at the drug store to put on the metal that is irritating your cheek. I would also recommend taking tylenol or motrin to help with the pain and inflammation. Ask your parents first though. Having straight teeth is definitely worth all of the pain and you'll be glad you went thought this one day!

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