
Braces are really painful?

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I just got braces on this morning for my crooked teeth and they are agony!

Im not talking about discomfort, the teeth are really sore. I cant bite ANYTHING solid or use my molars because my teeth wont fit over the brace? Thats what it feels like anyway.

The slightest bit of pressure on any of the teeth 9even running my tongue over them pretty lightly) causes pain.

Its so sore! help!




  1. When i got my braces they hurt the same : (

    You can't really do anything but have a sleep, that helps : )

    After 2 Days you won't have any pain

  2. dont worry after two weeks you'll feel better

    please answer mine

  3. It will pass as your mouth gets used to it. Take Motrin and try eating very soft foods. Smoothies, apple sauce, soup, things you can eat where you don't have to chew. My son had the same problem.  

  4. Braces pain is the worstt!

    When ever i would have to head over to the orthodonist i made sure i check my cabients of Tylonal extra strength every time!

    Thats deffintaly going to help and you can take it on an empty stomach.

    Try to not eat any hard foods, chew gum, or anything thats gonna put more pressure on your teeth. Instead Eat cold things such as soft ice cream, pudding, jello. However, this will only numb your mouth for a short period of time. For meals, you could eat soup, mac && cheese, and anything soft.

    Stay away from anything that will trigger a head ache, becuase i think head aches only make tooth aches worse!

    THe pain your feeling is normal though, and everyone goes through it. some people just have a higher or lower pain tolernce leval.

    Be patient, the pain wont last long. And in the end its all worth it.

    Good luck, and i hope i helped:]

  5. So am I lol I just got them on too.

    Your friends are mashed potatoes, apple sauce( pear sauce any fruit sauce lol), soups, ice cream/frozen yogurt, popsicles, smoothies, V8 the spicy one isn't as gross etc. Make sure you "eat" enough calories and if you drink juice like jamba to use a straw in the back of your throat and immediately rinse your mouth out with water and brush when your done since technically juice is a no no. Try to get foods with no added sugar or no sugar too.

  6. Take Tylenol or Ibuprofen.  When you eat, tear off your food and chew with your back teeth. Don't bite or chew with your front teeth because they hurt more. Eat soft foods and drink cold or hot liquids through a straw.  

  7. Ask me I am an orthodontist.

  8. dont worry youll get used to them in a few days it happened to my friend too , think yourself very lucky becuase youll have perfect teeth later

  9. I feel for ya, been there, worse than a bad ear infection.  I just sat on my couch and held my head while cryin for the day.

    have any perks, oxys or T3s around? Hot bath, immerse as much of your head as possible. and um, if it's around,  the good ol' green is helpful.

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