
Braces came off, but problems with retainer!! PLZ ANSWER?

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i got my braces off about 3 days ago, and i hate wearing the retainer to bed as it hurts my teeth and wen i get up in the morning to jaw is numb,

if i dont were the retainer to bet will my teeth move?

if i dont take my retainer to skool camp for 3 days will anything bad happen to my teeth, like moving?

i dont want braces again so plz help me




  1. You should always wear your retainer to bed and also take your retainer to camp with you.  If you don't wear your retainer to bed, your teeth will move, because your teeth always want to go back to the way they were (smile), if your retainer is too uncomtable, check back with your dentist.

  2. Wear your retainer as much as possible! You teeth will shift a lot because you just got your braces off. If you choose to not wear them during the day wear it to bed, often people clench their teeth when sleep thus causing more shifting.

  3. you need to wear your retainer all the time right now for atleast a month. thats your problem

  4. if it hurts that bad, you shud go to your ortho asap. he/she can correct the problem. and yes, if you dont wear your retainer, your teeth will move.

  5. Yes your teeth will move. Go back to the orthodontist about it.

  6. i now whare them for two months and your done do not listen to the dentist

  7. Have the ortho adjust your retainer. It shouldn't hurt. You need to wear it, or your teeth will get crooked again.

  8. Definitely wear it as much as possible, it's worth the pain. I didn't wear mine every night when i got mine, and I just got my braces on AGAIN because i didn't wear my retainer. 3 Days won't do much, but try wearing it a ton after. (only to bed though)

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