
by  |  earlier

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ok so i went to the ortho. the other day and iv had my braces for like 1 year and 3 months and he said i could possibly get them off next time (u know how that goes though) ok and he said next time hes going to shape my teeth?

so the question is do u have to have ur braces off for them to shape ur teeth and what do they do to shape them?





  1. Shaping your teeth could possibly mean they're going to measure your teeth to see how big your retainer is gonna be. .That's what they said for me. I bit down in this HUGEEE thing of clay and they waited for it to dry and took it away to mold a retainer that was shaped like my teeth. . It was REALLY cold and kinda makes you gag =/

  2. yeah when i got mine off he had like a little tool...and just short of shaped one or two of my teeth.

    i dont really know if it even made a difference!

    it doesnt hurt at all.

    the tool they use is almost like some sort of sander and they use it on your teeth (just the edges and corners) and believe, they really dont use it very might not even notice adifference and if you do, im sure youre teeth will look even BETTER!!!

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