
Braces help!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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i got my spacers on this morning i got 4 on each side two on the top two on the bottom they really hurt i used pain pills but they still hurt any sugestions on how to keep the pain down




  1. idk if there is anything u can take for the pain.....but it only hurts for a day or two. just relax, u wont even feel them by tomorrow.....well thats at least what happend to me :D

  2. yay you got braces  2?

    that's awesome! anyways...

    yeah I remeber the spacers.... ugh they sucked but! don't worry cuz you won't have them on forevers....

    try not to chew anything hard... seriously, I'm talking mashed potatoes, applesauce or water. I know it hurts super bad, but it will get better when they are taken off and you get the real stuff on.  

    and PLEASE do not overdose, not saying you will, but please don't k? don't want you getting hurt now. and since you already took pills, wait til later when you can take pills again and maybe try different pills.

    It's guna be kinda painful but I promise it will be better soon!! I'm not guna lie to you and say that you can get rid of the pain completly but just be careful when you talk 2 ok?

    hope this helped a lil =]

    you'll be fine! =]

  3. OOHHH. I remember the spacers. The pain killers helped just a little bit for me, but it still hurt. I just ate really soft foods and the pain didn't even last long. Good luck!

  4. Man when I had them they were like h**l!!

    I had them for a week, it sucked for like 2-3 days but then they were fine.

    I took neurofen liquid and bit down hard on my teeth with cottonwool!

    But oh my god I feel your pain.

    But hey I had braces for like nearly 3 years and Ive been braces free for 2 years now and it is so worth the pain!

    Dont let the pain take your smile away, believe me it's so worth it!

  5. When I had braces and was in a lot of pain, my orthodontist recommended eating cold foods like frozen yogurt, popsicles, ice cream, even ice cold water to relieve the pain!  He explained to me that the wire in the braces is actually heat/cold sensitive, eating cold foods will actually release some of the pressure!  Its worth a try!

  6. when i would get my braces tightened, i would always sit w/ a cup of ice cold water, take a big sip of it, & hold the water in my mouth. the cold water feels AMAZING, & actually deactivates the brackets so it definitely takes some of the pain away. i never had spacers, but hopefully this will work if you try it :)

    good luck!

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