
Braces help??????????????????

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ok right now it's august. i want to get braces in september

do i need to do a cleaning at the regular dentist before i get my braces on because the next time will be december

or will the orto do before i get my braces on?




  1. It's deffinately up to you, really if you want to have your dentist do a cleaning before you get your braces on.  I think it would be great eather way.  I didn't get a cleaning done before I got them on, so if you don't, you'll be okay. Good Luck!

  2. You dont just decide when you want braces?? Did the dentist tell you that you are getting them on in Septemeber because if he didnt you have to wait till he decides that with your parents

  3. i dont know it depends..

    i had to go to the dentist before i got mine on

    get your braces as soon as possible. the first couple days hurt

  4. You need to have a cleaning first cause once you already have braces, its hard to brush your teeth. of course, your ortho will recommend cleaning.  

  5. i just recently got mine off and i remember that the orthdontist cleans your teeth before they put them on and when you take them off.

  6. You don't need to get a cleaning before getting braces, although that's always nice. Just make sure you brush real good before getting braces. If your ortho is like mine, they should clean your teeth before putting the braces on anyways.

  7. No, the orthodontist won't do a cleaning. I would suggest if you're due for a cleaning you have it done before you get your braces because otherwise if you have the cleaning done while the braces are on the area on your teeth underneath the brackets won't get cleaned and you're teeth might stain.

  8. they clean your teeth like crazy before you get your braces on because they have to make sure that there is absolutely nothing underneath the don't worry about it and just brush like normal.

  9. No just brush for the week before you go and nothing will be wrong

  10. My ortho did not do a thorough cleaning before I got my braces on. I would suggest a cleaning before your braces, though if you have a good hygienist and are faithful to cleaning and flossing your teeth, you won't have a problem. It will be extremely important to floss your teeth during ortho, but it will be much harder. I found that the Water Pik helped, but flossing is the best, it just takes much more time. Good luck! If you are faithful to your cleaning regiment you will be so much happier in the end, though it will seem annoying and tiresome at the time.

  11. no..Ortho isn't gonna do that for you..

    My ortho told me to get it done before hand..At the dentist of course..

  12. they clean them right before you get your braces on.

    make sure you get doped on advil before you go in!

    they hurt! "/

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